Young earth


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Answering the Premier Christianity article by Michael Roberts – 10 questions to ask a young earth creationist – Part 1

Answering the Premier Christianity article by Michael Roberts – 10 questions to ask a young earth creationist – Part 1

Answering critics of ‘young earth’ and the historic narrative of Genesis who accept radiometric dating and thus millions of years
21 Feb, 2019
Modelling biblical human population growth

Modelling biblical human population growth

Working out the world’s population growth using a biblical model.
02 Jun, 2017
Coral: animal, vegetable and mineral

Coral: animal, vegetable and mineral

Coral reefs are only thousands of years old, not millions.
26 Feb, 2014
Ancient coral

Ancient coral

Paleozoic corals do not provide evidence of an ancient earth or necessitate that days were shorter pre-Flood.
21 Feb, 2014
Oil starlight time

Oil starlight time

Jonathan Sarfati and David Catchpoole answer questions about earth
18 Dec, 2010
Human population growth

Human population growth

Multiple lines of evidence regarding population growth point to a recent origin of humans
24 May, 2010
Why most scientists believe the world is old

Why most scientists believe the world is old

Why scientists believe the world is old
01 Apr, 2010
Civilization comes suddenly

Civilization comes suddenly

An archeological discovery in Peru of a complex civilization contemporaneous with Mesopotamia prompts questions about why widely separated civilizations all appeared at around the same time. Languages did something similar.
22 Feb, 2010
Evolution ancient pagan idea

Evolution ancient pagan idea

Evolution and deep time are not modern ideas: the early defenders of the Christian faith refuted these ideas from the ancient pagans.
21 Dec, 2009
Age of the earth

Age of the earth

Earth is now generally accepted as 4.543 billion years old, but here are 101 evidences for a much younger age of the earth and the cosmos.
04 Jun, 2009
Dinosaur soft tissue and protein--even more confirmation!

Dinosaur soft tissue and protein--even more confirmation!

Mary Schweitzer announces even stronger evidence, this time from a duckbilled dino fossil, of even more proteins—and the same amazingly preserved flexible blood vessel and cell structures as before.
06 May, 2009
Evidence for multiple ring growth per year in Bristlecone Pines

Evidence for multiple ring growth per year in Bristlecone Pines

18 Sep, 2008