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Science, the Bible, and the Age of the Earth

Science, the Bible, and the Age of the Earth

When did God create? How long are the Genesis days? When was Adam created? Could millions of years be added into the Genesis account? These and other controversial questions are discussed.
08 Apr, 202024:33
Making sense of science, faith and Genesis (Creation Magazine LIVE! 8-01)

Making sense of science, faith and Genesis (Creation Magazine LIVE! 8-01)

Is creation/evolution a side issue for Christians? Does it have any impact on the Gospel? We’ll provide some clarity about the links between scientific discoveries and beliefs about the creation/evolution issue.
29 Feb, 202028:41
Reply to Richard Holloway’s patronizing letter to God

Reply to Richard Holloway’s patronizing letter to God

Bishop blames Genesis for causing environmental damage.
27 Feb, 2020
Wise use of smart devices and social media in a secular age

Wise use of smart devices and social media in a secular age

The digital world, with social media platforms and smart phones, requires smart use, to avoid nomophobia and unhelpful worldview indoctrination.
23 Jan, 2020
Aussie bushfire crisis

Aussie bushfire crisis

The bushfire crisis in Australia is not unprecedented but expected. Response is a worldview issue.
17 Jan, 2020
Did dinosaurs live after the flood?

Did dinosaurs live after the flood?

Wow, there really is evidence that dinosaurs lived after the flood, but the flood was less than 5000 years ago.
15 Jan, 202028:30
A review of 'The Strange Death of Europe'

A review of 'The Strange Death of Europe'

A review of The Strange Death of Europe: Immigration, identity, Islam by Douglas Murray.
22 Nov, 2019
Senseless cynical censorship of the teaching of creationism in Welsh schools

Senseless cynical censorship of the teaching of creationism in Welsh schools

British humanists and atheists bully Welsh government to maintain censorship of creation in schools
17 Sep, 2019
Chris Rupe and John Sanford on human evolution

Chris Rupe and John Sanford on human evolution

Joel Tay interviews Christopher Rupe and Dr John Sanford, co-authors of ‘Contested Bones’, a book that critiques human evolution.
12 Aug, 2019
Hitler's Religion

Hitler's Religion

Hitler was an evolutionary atheist or pantheist; a review of Hitlers Religion by Richard Weikart
14 Dec, 2018
Faith and facts

Faith and facts

Do faith and facts relate to each other at all? Is there evidence for Christian faith? Yes! A biblical worldview is the best fit for the facts.
27 Nov, 201828:30
Does God exist?

Does God exist?

Is there objective evidence that God exists? Can we know God personally? Yes!
07 Nov, 201828:30
Richard Dawkins is releasing an atheist children's book

Richard Dawkins is releasing an atheist children's book

Richard Dawkins is releasing an atheist children’s book laced with blasphemy.
30 Oct, 2018
Nazi child euthanasia and Hans Asperger

Nazi child euthanasia and Hans Asperger

A new study shows that Hans Asperger actively assisted the Nazi eugenics policies.
11 Oct, 2018
Humanism: neither healthy, nor humane

Humanism: neither healthy, nor humane

Chaplains are religious representatives operating in secular institutions. Since humanism is allegedly non-religious, is not a ‘humanist chaplain’ an oxymoron, revealing humanism’s blatant double standards?
18 Sep, 2018
Creation or endless cycle of re-creation?

Creation or endless cycle of re-creation?

The Bible gives us a linear view of history from creation to consummation in Christ governed by God.
07 Jul, 2018