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Trusting the Bible when building scientific models

Trusting the Bible when building scientific models

Christianity is about more than just how to reconciled to God. The Bible provides the foundation for a Christian view of everything, including the sciences that relate to origins. It also provides a framework within which to make predictions about anticipated observations.
09 May, 202202:41
The central role of Darwinism in the Holocaust

The central role of Darwinism in the Holocaust

Social Darwinism is just as major, if not more, a driving force to the Holocaust as Hitler.
01 Apr, 2022
The lies we are told, the truth we must hold: a review

The lies we are told, the truth we must hold: a review

We are told lies, but we must hold the truth. Worldviews have their consequences.
31 Mar, 2022
Did animals die before Adam sinned?

Did animals die before Adam sinned?

God described His original creation as 'very good' but did that include the death of animals before Adam sinned? We explore the implications of animals dying before the Fall.
16 Mar, 202228:53
Creation-based conservation for the Red Panda

Creation-based conservation for the Red Panda

Creation-based plans to interbreed fare better than evolution-based plans to isolate a species of red panda to conserve it.
02 Mar, 2022
Does God exist? Creation Answers Book Ch. 1

Does God exist? Creation Answers Book Ch. 1

Existence of God, cosmological, moral, design, biblical, Christological arguments.
15 Feb, 2022
The Creation Model

The Creation Model

The theory of evolution is described in much detail in most classrooms today. Names, dates, classifications, etc., all seem to point to a very ‘scientific’ history of the world. But what about Creation? Does it have a cohesive historical narrative that can be backed up scientifically? Absolutely! Look at the ‘big picture’ of the Bible’s history on this week’s show.
02 Feb, 202223:25
Climate Change: Who’s to Blame?

Climate Change: Who’s to Blame?

Continuing from last week, we examine more failed climate predictions, find the root of the claim that “97 % of scientists” agree that climate change is man-made, and consider the dangers of a singular focus on fixing the climate.
26 Jan, 202224:48
A Biblical Approach to Climate Change (part 2)

A Biblical Approach to Climate Change (part 2)

Continuing from last week, we examine more failed climate predictions, find the root of the claim that “97% of scientists” agree that climate change is man-made, and consider the results of a singular focus on fixing the climate. Watch part 1 here: https://creation.com/cml9-01a [https://creation.com/cml9-01a]
15 Jan, 202216:21
Shrimp eye design

Shrimp eye design

Shrimp eye, reflector focus, photonic crystals, biomimetics
10 Jan, 2022
A Biblical Approach to Climate Change (part 1)

A Biblical Approach to Climate Change (part 1)

Underlying assumptions and worldviews behind different approaches to climate change are summarized along with questionable scientific models. Part 2: https://creation.com/cml9-01b [https://creation.com/cml9-01b]
05 Jan, 202214:04
Review of The Secular Creed: Engaging five contemporary claims

Review of The Secular Creed: Engaging five contemporary claims

The secular creed reviews Black Lives Matter, gay and women’s rights, and transgenderism from a biblical perspective.
30 Dec, 2021
Chimps natural killers

Chimps natural killers

If apes are our ancestors and they kill other apes, does that explain why humans murder humans?
04 May, 2015
It’s a great time to be a Christian!

It’s a great time to be a Christian!

Many seem to think Christianity is for simple, uneducated people who are out of touch with science. This week we share a little of the growing, positive evidence for the truth of creation and Christianity. It really is a great time to be a Christian!
15 Dec, 202123:56
Why would a designer leave debris floating in space?

Why would a designer leave debris floating in space?

Questioning Intelligent Design based on phenomena in space that seem to show chaos.
11 Dec, 2021
When atheism seems easy

When atheism seems easy

When amoral atheism seems easy to believe, we need to share our struggles rather than get trapped in philosophy.
30 Dec, 2017