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Atheism needs evolution

Atheism needs evolution

Evolution is derived from a philosophy that presupposes that God does not exist and that naturalism explains everything.
01 Jan, 2015
Atheistic opposition response

Atheistic opposition response

Atheistic skeptics use underhanded tactics on the internet to try to silence Christian voices.
04 Dec, 2014
Secularism is atheism

Secularism is atheism

The promotion of secularism in public life is actually the promotion of atheism, based on the materialistic creation myth of cosmic evolution.
03 Nov, 2014
World War 1 evolution in Second Reich

World War 1 evolution in Second Reich

New video clip about the evolutionary origins of World War 1, which were the precursors of WW2 and the Nazi Holocaust.
14 Sep, 2014
Sorry atheists but youre wrong

Sorry atheists but youre wrong

Five decades since the ramping-up of evolutionary educational curricula, experts are now calling for a change in community attitudes, if the rise in random street violence is to be curbed.
05 Jun, 2014
Angry Thomas Nagel critics rage on

Angry Thomas Nagel critics rage on

Materialism, science, philosophy, reductionism, mind, evolution, Thomas Nagel, Daniel Dennett, Richard Dawkins.
27 Mar, 2014
Lumley Search for Ark

Lumley Search for Ark

Joanna Lumley looks for Noah’s Ark, and finds lots of evidence for the Flood.
25 Mar, 2014
Tracing the nations back to Babel

Tracing the nations back to Babel

Extra-Biblical historical records testify to the ancient nations beginning as family units from Noah's descendants. This powerfully supports the Bible's history, especially the reality of the world's population 'restarting' after the Flood of Noah.
19 Mar, 201428:31
Evolution and purpose in life - what is it?

Evolution and purpose in life - what is it?

At a forum on depression a young man said, "I think some people may have an inability to cope and maybe, this might sound a bit extreme, that might be Darwinian theory, the Darwin theory of survival of the fittest. Maybe some of us aren't meant to survive, maybe some of us are meant to kill ourselves."
14 Feb, 201401:00
Muhammad was wrong

Muhammad was wrong

Christians have a basis for rejecting non-biblical claimed revelation.
08 Dec, 2013
Are evolutionists biased against design?

Are evolutionists biased against design?

Have you ever wondered what sort of evidence would convince an atheist that the universe was designed? Scott Todd from Kansas State University gave a startling answer:
08 Nov, 201301:00
The Christian foundations of the rule of law in the West: a legacy of liberty and resistance against tyranny

The Christian foundations of the rule of law in the West: a legacy of liberty and resistance against tyranny

The freedoms enjoyed in Western democracies derive from the rule of law that comes from Gods higher law that stands above human institutions; evolution-based secularism destroys this, as history has shown.
18 Jan, 2007
Surprise atheist study

Surprise atheist study

Surprise result when atheist student asked about journey to unbelief
09 Sep, 2013
Holy books?

Holy books?

The Christian Bible outmatches the Hindu Vedas, the Qur’an of Islam, and other claimed ‘holy books’ in explaining the origins of the problem of death—and the solution, Jesus Christ.
28 Aug, 2013


Key terms such as natural law, miracle, and methodological naturalism have been modified or invented in ways that slant the rules of engagement between Christianity and secularism against Christianity.
23 Aug, 2013
Teaching creationism is child abuse? (Part 1)

Teaching creationism is child abuse? (Part 1)

Dr Lawrence Krauss calls teaching creationism to children 'child abuse'. He wants to censor any conclusions that contradict his beliefs about atheism and evolution over millions of years. However, he doesn't seem to grasp foundational aspects of the origins debate. Teaching lies to children is wrong. They need to be taught the truth about the world around us and what life is all about.
07 Aug, 201307:06