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Why antitheists are forced to believe in antiscience

Why antitheists are forced to believe in antiscience

In a highly organised universe, the ordered becomes disordered, like a clock winding down.
14 May, 2018
The Christian response to aliens and UFOs

The Christian response to aliens and UFOs

Millions of people from all around the world have reported seeing what they think are aliens from outer space. How should Christians respond to these reports? The Bible provides direction for understanding aliens and UFOs.
28 Mar, 201828:31
Unintelligent Design

Unintelligent Design

Design by evolution, a blind stochastic process, is not intelligent design but unintelligent design, both tautologous and logically impossible.
08 Mar, 2018
Thorns – post-Fall or millions of years old?

Thorns – post-Fall or millions of years old?

What's the connection between the Bible's history and spiny plant fossils buried deep in the fossil record? Well, from a biblical perspective, thorns arose after the first humans sinned, at the time called “the Fall”. Therefore, these plants with thorns must have lived—and been fossilised—after the Fall. However, according to conventional geology, these fossils are in so-called Devonian rocks, which are allegedly over 360 million years old. Does this mean that the Bible’s history regarding thorns is wrong? No, the problem is that conventional geology ignores how the global flood of Noah profoundly affected earth’s sedimentary rock record. Such a cataclysm would have laid down vast sedimentary layers, including the ones deep in the fossil record containing thorns, after the Fall. The fossil record, therefore, is not a record of evolutionary earth history, but is mostly the result of the biblical flood and its aftermath. Therefore, the Bible is correct when it tells us that thorns arose after the Fall.
16 Feb, 201801:00
Two trees, one root: the link between evolutionism and Eastern spirituality

Two trees, one root: the link between evolutionism and Eastern spirituality

Eastern spirituality and evolutionary materialism are like-minded in explaining our origins without the God of the Bible.
13 Feb, 2018
US government UFOs

US government UFOs

The US government admits it has researched UFOs, making many people ask if aliens are real.
21 Dec, 2017
Atheists prayer answered

Atheists prayer answered

John Smith, the soldier turned lawyer who cried out to God for help and had his prayers answered through creation evangelism.
12 Dec, 2017
How can a good God allow evil in the world?

How can a good God allow evil in the world?

Explaining the origin of death and suffering is vitally important in defending Christianity, since many people use the existence of ‘evil’ as an excuse not to believe in God. Learn why a literal-historical Genesis account is vital in answering.
26 Oct, 201728:30
Why believe in objective morals?

Why believe in objective morals?

Disagreements over our moral intuitions doesnt undermine the general reliability of our moral experience as a justification for believing in objective morals
16 Sep, 2017
Gospel authors Christ myth

Gospel authors Christ myth

Answering questions about the authorship and sources of the Gospels, and refuting some common arguments related to ‘the Christ myth’.
27 May, 2017
The Darwin Effect review

The Darwin Effect review

Review of The Darwin Effect: Its Influence on Nazism, Eugenics, Racism, Communism, Capitalism, and Sexism.
26 May, 2017
Are all evolutionists atheists

Are all evolutionists atheists

Answering questions from a correspondent who is new to creation information.
18 Feb, 2017
Molecular virologist Dr Yingguang Liu interview

Molecular virologist Dr Yingguang Liu interview

How Yingguang Liu came to faith.
02 Jan, 2017
Pastor Joe Boot - Hold the Line on Biblical Authority

Pastor Joe Boot - Hold the Line on Biblical Authority

Rev Dr Joe Boot, Founder of the Ezra Institute, delivers powerful message about Genesis and the authority of Scripture at a CMI fundraising dinner.
28 Dec, 201659:41
"Faith" means different things to different people

"Faith" means different things to different people

Does faith mean "believing in something even though it is not supported by evidence?" Yes, and no, depending on who you ask.
21 Dec, 201601:20
Earth has a good neighbourhood

Earth has a good neighbourhood

What makes the earth such a perfect place for humans?
07 Nov, 2016