Why it matters


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Perils of Theistic Evolution

Perils of Theistic Evolution

The dangers inherent in arguing for theistic evolution are legion, including the subversion of key doctrines, a denial of Christ
06 Dec, 2012
Why do Christians defend evolution

Why do Christians defend evolution

Evolutionists can be Christians because Christian belief is not defined by a denial of evolution but they are being logically inconsistent in believing in both.
27 Oct, 2012
Jesus teaching the ‘big picture’ from Genesis

Jesus teaching the ‘big picture’ from Genesis

The Genesis record of creation, the Fall, and the subsequent Curse provide the foundation for the Gospel, as expounded by Paul at Athens and by Jesus on the road to Emmaus.
25 Jan, 2012
The future-some issues for 'long-age' Christians

The future-some issues for 'long-age' Christians

Christians who embrace theistic evolution or progressive creation over billions of years in the past face the problem of heat death of the universe billions of years in the future.
18 Jan, 2012
John macarthur interview

John macarthur interview

John MacArthurshares his insights on the church, Genesis, and the interpretation of Scripture in an interview for Creation magazine.
26 Dec, 2011
Life without creation ministries

Life without creation ministries

Without creation ministries, there would be nobody to equip the church to stand against the humanist worldview so dominant in our culture today.
19 Oct, 2011
First Adam--Last Adam

First Adam--Last Adam

Through the first Adam we all are sinners under the penalty of death, but all who are connected with the last Adam through repentance and faith have passed from death to life.
11 May, 2011
Why not and why

Why not and why

Asking the right questions can open up doors to evangelism.
05 Apr, 2011
Emergent church evolution

Emergent church evolution

The Emergent Church has defined Christianity out of any true meaning or purpose by accepting the most modern evolutionary ideas and disparaging Scriptural authority and orthodox doctrine.
31 Mar, 2011
Charity or apologetics

Charity or apologetics

Defending the faith as Scripture commands is just as important as obeying the commands about charity.
12 Feb, 2011
Can compromisers really be saved?

Can compromisers really be saved?

A person can compromise on even important doctrines like creation and still be saved.
29 Jan, 2011
Can Christians believe evolution

Can Christians believe evolution

Evolution is contrary to Scripture, but Christians can still be saved despite believing in it. A guest author explains some reasons, including how Christians are never fully mature when saved.
21 Oct, 2010
Preaching the Gospel in today’s society

Preaching the Gospel in today’s society

When St Paul preached to the Jews he showed that Jesus was their promised Messiah; when he preached to the evolutionist Greeks he began with God as Creator and Judge.
12 May, 2010
Why did Jesus die

Why did Jesus die

Many evangelicals think that the creation evolution issue is irrelevant but in fact it is foundational to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
06 Apr, 2010
Revival? What is missing?

Revival? What is missing?

As well as faithful preaching about sin and judgment we need to proclaim and defend and proclaim the truth of Genesis so the Gospel message might make sense.
24 Feb, 2010
The doctrine of sin in contemporary theology

The doctrine of sin in contemporary theology

How the idea of Darwinian evolution over millions of years is affecting contemporary theological views on the Christian doctrine of sin.
06 Aug, 2009