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Redemptive history

Redemptive history

Theistic evolutionists can’t reconcile evolutionary claims with the teaching of Scripture.
28 Feb, 2019
Answering the Premier Christianity article by Michael Roberts – 10 questions to ask a young earth creationist – Part 1

Answering the Premier Christianity article by Michael Roberts – 10 questions to ask a young earth creationist – Part 1

Answering critics of ‘young earth’ and the historic narrative of Genesis who accept radiometric dating and thus millions of years
21 Feb, 2019
Is evolution a message of hope for humanity?

Is evolution a message of hope for humanity?

Evolution says human existence is insignificant, meaningless and illusory, theistic evolution fails, biblical creation is foundation for hope of glory.
07 Feb, 2019
Theistic evolution and the Christian faith

Theistic evolution and the Christian faith

Theistic evolution weighed in the balances fails the test of Scripture (the Daniel test) and is contrary to Christian Faith.
17 Jan, 2019
Why do you just bash evolution?

Why do you just bash evolution?

Positive and negative apologetic arguments used by Isaiah and Elijah.
18 Dec, 2018
OT scholar: Genesis teaches a short timescale

OT scholar: Genesis teaches a short timescale

Travis Rick Freeman, Professor of Old Testament, Baptist College of Florida Graceville, Genesis 5 and 11 teach 6,000-year-old earth, no time gaps in genealogies
26 Nov, 2018
Can you love Jesus and reject His Word?

Can you love Jesus and reject His Word?

Responding the Andy Stanley’s aftermath series which says Christians need to unhitch the Old Testament from the New Testament.
27 Sep, 2018
The historical Adam and what he means for us

The historical Adam and what he means for us

A review of What Happened in the Garden by Abner Chou (Ed.).
14 Sep, 2018
Age of the earth: Christian apologists

Age of the earth: Christian apologists

On the Unbelievable podcast with Justin Brierley, old-earth believer Paul Copan is questioned about suffering, death and natural evil.
10 Apr, 2018
Nice theologians leading the church away from the truth

Nice theologians leading the church away from the truth

Winsome theologians who compromise God’s Word, teaching that evolution and long ages, are most effective at destroying the church.
16 Jan, 2018
Refusing to be muzzled

Refusing to be muzzled

Offered a paid job by her church, a lady must agree not to mention biblical creation; what to do?
09 Dec, 2017
Focused one thing

Focused one thing

Far from being a ‘side issue’, focusing on Creation helps us to proclaim Jesus as Creator and Saviour.
30 Nov, 2017
NT Christian

NT Christian

Why ‘New Testament Christians’ must accept the history of Genesis.
28 Sep, 2017
From Creation to Salvation

From Creation to Salvation

From Creation to Salvation argues that Christians should believe the history of Genesis because Jesus and the New Testament authors did.
15 Jun, 2017
Build a lighthouse against evolution

Build a lighthouse against evolution

Measures you can take to equip your children when they encounter evolutionary indoctrination in the classroom.
30 May, 2017
Teach unbiblical ideas

Teach unbiblical ideas

Simply knowing about ideas that contradict Christianity can help young people stand firm against them.
24 May, 2017