Why it matters


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Creation is a foundational truth

Creation is a foundational truth

Irenaeus: the prophets and apostles regarded creation as foundational.
26 Jul, 2022
Why did God make such a big universe?

Why did God make such a big universe?

The vastness of the universe accentuates Gods immensity, and shows how amazing it is that He cares for us.
19 Jul, 2022
A pastor’s journey of teaching creation – Dr Don Hardgrave

A pastor’s journey of teaching creation – Dr Don Hardgrave

A pastor shares his experiences of teaching creation to youth groups, congregations, and other pastors.
06 Jun, 2022
Should I stay in a church that compromises on Creation?

Should I stay in a church that compromises on Creation?

Should I stay in a church that compromises on biblical creation?
02 Jun, 2022
The denial of Genesis is bad for science and Christianity

The denial of Genesis is bad for science and Christianity

History denial and skepticism of Genesis in favour of consensus science damages both science and Christianity, ethics and the Gospel.
07 Apr, 2022
Interview with Dr Sam Gan, high-profile Singaporean scientist

Interview with Dr Sam Gan, high-profile Singaporean scientist

Interview with high profile Singaporean researcher Dr Sam Gan on his research and commitment to biblical creation.
21 Mar, 2022
Biblical Unity

Biblical Unity

Those who divide the church are those who introduce false teaching, not those who confront it.
17 Feb, 2022
Does God exist? Creation Answers Book Ch. 1

Does God exist? Creation Answers Book Ch. 1

Existence of God, cosmological, moral, design, biblical, Christological arguments.
15 Feb, 2022
Bad news needed

Bad news needed

Without the bad news of Adams sin bringing death and suffering into the world, the good news of Jesus death and resurrection is no news at all.
19 Dec, 2013
Curious about Curious Earth

Curious about Curious Earth

Practical details about a creation evangelism market display called Curious Earth
22 Jan, 2022
Countering indoctrination

Countering indoctrination

Creation magazine is a powerful tool to counter evolutionary indoctrination.
08 Nov, 2021
Not my job to save people

Not my job to save people

Remembering our role in evangelism can encourage us when sharing our faith.
19 Oct, 2021
Different understandings of origins?

Different understandings of origins?

A friendly dialogue with a theistic evolutionist on several issues in the origins debate.
02 Oct, 2021
If you can’t say something nice

If you can’t say something nice

Why it’s actually loving to critique and refute false ideas.
17 Aug, 2021
Young Earth and Flood: Why they matter

Young Earth and Flood: Why they matter

Relevance of young earth and flood to biblical authority, gospel, goodness of God.
02 Aug, 2021
The world may ignore the challenge of biblical creation, but is ignorance bliss?

The world may ignore the challenge of biblical creation, but is ignorance bliss?

Ignorance is not bliss. The world rejects biblical creation, but risks the gift of eternal life.
29 Jul, 2021