Creation for Kids: Planets around other starsEarth is perfect for life. No other known planet, around the sun or any other star, is suitable. Life can’t evolve from non-living chemicals, and must be created.Article17 Apr, 2024
Nuclear engineer defends biblical creationJonathan Corrado, nuclear engineer defends biblical creation, magnetic field is young-earth evidence, quantum mechanics science vs Krauss fallacies.Article15 Apr, 2024
Social sophistryCMI’s Social media videos are reaching millions and the positive responses hugely outnumber the negative.Article12 Feb, 2024
The Church’s hole in the heartAtheists see the Church’s hole in the heart, foundational teaching is rejected, churches are closing, and her mission is impaired.Article06 Feb, 2024
The AI revolutionHumans are not meat-based computers; no matter how good an AI program might be at churning out responses to questions, it will never be emotionally involved with anything it does.Article29 Jan, 2024
A medical doctor shares on creationWe do see mutations happening from time to time, but they lead to disease and death—not superhumans.Article15 Jan, 2024
Christmas and GenesisChristmas is founded on Genesis; Jesus---fully God and fully man---came to destroy the reign of sin and death that started in the historical Fall of Genesis 3.Article25 Dec, 2007
End-times and Early-timesWith eschatological debates, the Bible is still the rule of faith, but with Genesis compromise, science has become the rule of faith.Article13 Feb, 2013
‘Same old’ vs fresh and newExplore Creation Magazine: Debunking Evolution Fallacies, Celebrating Gods Wonders. Discover the timeless truths and latest insights. Share the amazement withArticle06 Nov, 2023
The Genesis Flood for Kids: The Food and the Bible Juvenile literature: God judged mankind’s sin by globe-covering Flood, showed mercy with Ark. Flood means no need for millions of years, so evolution impossible.Article30 Oct, 2023
Remarkable evidence of a designed young stable solar systemThere is increasing evidence of the remarkable stability of our solar system. Other star systems in the Milky Way appear much more chaotic.Article23 Oct, 2023
Michael Dooley interviewThis musician-composer knows why biblical creation is much more than just a science issue.Article16 Oct, 2023
Genesis is historyThe language of Genesis shows that its history, e.g. the waw consecutive verbs, and thats how the rest of the Bible treats it.Article06 Jul, 2015
Denying the greatest event in the history of the worldTo further remove God from society, naturalists remove Christ from our dating conventions.Article05 Sep, 2023
Secular myths abuse science, erode ethics and life’s meaningMaintaining myths of cosmic origins, first life, and evolution, is abusing science and eroding ethics, undermining the Gospel.Article25 Jul, 2023