15 Questions for EvolutionistsThe teaching of biological evolution in science classes amounts to the teaching of a materialistic religion based on arguments that lack scientific merit.Article11 Sep, 2011
Marxism law and evolutionMarx believed that laws are the product of class oppression and would disappear with the advent of communism, but this has led only to inequality and class-oriented genocidal policies.Article22 Apr, 2011
Evolution preposterousPeople love the grand theory of evolution, in spite of the preposterous claim that everything made itself, because it supports an anti-God worldview, and many get offended when challenged.Article10 Jan, 2011
Peacock poppycock?According to evolutionist researchers, Darwins sexual selection theory is a failure, as epitomized by its inability to explain the peacocks tail.Article21 Apr, 2008
Is the evolutionary tree changing into a creationist orchard?Is the evolutionary tree changing into a creationist orchard?Article10 May, 2007