Deceitful religious education in a school curriculum resource pushing big bang and evolutionThe big bang and evolution are not compatible with the Bible, contrary to RE Today Service curriculum resource.Article07 Jan, 2021
The United Methodist Church on creationism and intelligent designThe United Methodist Church high-level leadership has a history of opposition to creationism and intelligent design.Article23 Oct, 2020
Hugh Ross bluffs at church meetingHugh Ross, church meetings, bluffs, church fathers including Augustine on creation days, earliest Homo sapiens fossils, Neandertals, local flood.Article31 Mar, 2020
From the mouths of sceptics: sometimes sceptics unwittingly support what creationists teach.Scientists unwittingly confirm creationists on the universe, life’s origin, ancient man, the Flood, fossils, dinosaur soft tissue, Genesis as history.Article19 Mar, 2020
Redemptive historyTheistic evolutionists can’t reconcile evolutionary claims with the teaching of Scripture.Article28 Feb, 2019
Biologos Jesus age earthTed Davis, theistic evolutionist at BioLogos, makes a vain attempt to evade Jesus’ teaching on the age of the earth.Article25 Jan, 2018
Theistic evolutionTheistic evolution denies the doctrine of marriage, union with Christ and the need for a redeemerArticle24 Dec, 2016
Gods restThe Bible says God finished His work of creation and rested, but theistic evolutionists say the world is still evolving.Article25 Aug, 2016
Open theism evolutionTheistic evolutionists take open theism to a cosmic level by denying divine omniscience and omnipotence.Article02 Jun, 2015
Theistic evolution problematicDialogue with a long-time theistic evolutionary objector to our material highlights the difficulties and dangers of theistic evolution.Article04 May, 2014
Review Philip Pattemore My Keepers BrotherA review of Am I My Keepers Brother?--Human Origins From A Christian And Scientific Perspective by Philip Pattemore.Article06 Dec, 2013
Theistic evolutionary doublespeakA review of The Language of Science and Faith by Karl W. Giberson and Francis S. Collins.Article05 Jul, 2013
Sleeping with the enemyTheistic evolutionist ministries such as Biologos claim that teaching a plain reading of Genesis causes young people to lose their faith. Does a compromise view of scripture adding evolution help?Article02 May, 2013
10 dangers of theistic evolutionThe idea that God would use the atheistic process of evolution is the ultimate oxymoron.Article27 Oct, 2010