The satellites of PlutoRecent naturalistic models for the origins of Platos moons all fail to explain critical aspects of Platos outer moons.Article09 Aug, 2019
Multiverses: No help for evolutionIt’s an ‘out there’ concept that doesn’t help to explain why we are down here.Article17 Jul, 2019
How did the Solar System form?If the solar system formed by naturalistic processes as evolutionary astronomers claim, their own analysis doesn’t match that theory.Article01 May, 2019
The universe of the lone brainThere’s no evidence for multiple universes but evolutionists invoke them to explain why we exist.Article25 Mar, 2019
Can Christians add the big bang to the Bible?The big bang is the atheistic alternative to God as Creator, but it is both scientifically and theologically invalid.Article19 Mar, 2019
Saturnian ‘pristine’ problemSaturn’s rings of water ice are too ‘pristine’ to have been there for four billion years.Article02 Jan, 2019
Apollo 8 and Genesis: A Christmas messageChristmas eve broadcast from space by Apollo 8 astronauts clearly makes the connection between Christmas and Creation.Article24 Dec, 2018
Cosmic storytellingDo dark matter, dark energy, dark radiation, dark flow, dark fluid, dark photons, cosmic Inflation, expanding space, big bang singularity, quantum fluctuations, etc, really explain the universe?Article17 Dec, 2018
Is evolution supported by science or is it all bluff?Storytelling, not science, supports big bang, and evolution, as confirmed by leading scientists Paul Steinhardt, James Tour and Denis Noble.Article04 Dec, 2018
The truth about the Galileo affairThe Galileo affair was about politics, and not about defending the Bible and the Christian faith.Article08 Nov, 2018
'Star witnesses' to a young creationBlue stars and fast neutron stars in globular clusters both testify to a young universe.Article24 Oct, 2018
Do dust rings around stars grow into planets?Astronomers claim they discovered an exoplanet forming around a young star but they cannot explain either star or planet formation.Article11 Sep, 2018
Higgs Boson and Top Quark coupled together: What does it mean?Fine tuning of Higgs boson frustrates materialistic theories.Article24 Jul, 2018
The Manx comet and naturalistic assumptionsNaturalistic assumptions can get in the way of understanding the origin of solar system objects like the Manx comet.Article20 Jul, 2018
Dissolving the Fermi Paradox: Life is unique after allOxford scientists cast doubt on intelligent life outside Earth; Elon Musk says this is all the more reason to colonize space.Article10 Jul, 2018
Pluto: another young planetData from the 2015 flyby of Pluto confirmed biblical creationist predictions and posed serious challenges for the 'millions of years', evolutionary story.Video04 Jul, 201828:30