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Antikythera Mechanism

Antikythera Mechanism

antikythera mechanism ancient greek analogue computer predicts planetary motions contradicts evolutionary presuppositions of human development
30 Aug, 2021
Faster than Light?

Faster than Light?

V838 Monocerotis explodes at a speed that appears to be faster than light speed.
21 Aug, 2021
The origin of stone meteorites is a major mystery for astronomical science

The origin of stone meteorites is a major mystery for astronomical science

A naturalistic origin of meteorite chondrules is a huge challenge for secular science.
20 Aug, 2021
Harvard professor proposes to make a treaty with aliens.

Harvard professor proposes to make a treaty with aliens.

Harvard professor proposes in Scientific American to avoid cosmic catastrophe by making a treaty with advanced alien civilization.
27 Jul, 2021
A lesson from Pluto

A lesson from Pluto

For 50 years scientists repeatedly estimated the size of Pluto at least 400 times larger than it actually was.
12 Jul, 2010
Missing Matter found?

Missing Matter found?

Recently discovered fast radio bursts (FRBs) have now been used to calculate the amount of baryonic matter in the universe.
01 May, 2021
Saturn’s system still too young

Saturn’s system still too young

Cassini findings confirm Saturns system is too young for the evolutionary timeline.
12 Apr, 2021
Indoctrinating children

Indoctrinating children

The religion of humanism is taught like it is not a religion while at the same time biblical ideas are excluded from the classroom.
01 Apr, 2021
Prepare ye the way—the aliens are coming!  Part two

Prepare ye the way—the aliens are coming! Part two

Disclosure! A much-desired proclamation by the UFO community about alien visitations to the earth, might not be far away. Are we prepared?
25 Feb, 2021
CMI's response to the 'electric universe'

CMI's response to the 'electric universe'

Electric universe is popular in some circles but CMI does not think it would help promote biblical creation.
16 Feb, 2021
Inner core conundrum

Inner core conundrum

According to naturalism, the Earth’s inner core shouldn’t exist!
13 Jan, 2021
Review of Unbelievable: 7 myths about the history and future of science and religion

Review of Unbelievable: 7 myths about the history and future of science and religion

A review of Unbelievable: 7 myths about the history and future of science and religion by Michael Newton Keas.
18 Dec, 2020
Dark matter search comes up empty

Dark matter search comes up empty

The Large Underground Xenon Experiment could not find any dark matter, crucial for big bang theory.
14 Dec, 2020
SETI@home project closing down

SETI@home project closing down

The crowdsourced search for intelligent extraterrestrials known as SETI@home has shut down after two decades of failed searching.
20 Jul, 2020
Coronavirus end times

Coronavirus end times

Answering questions about coronavirus and flat earth.
11 Jul, 2020
John Grigg: Astronomer and Christian

John Grigg: Astronomer and Christian

John Grigg (1838–1920) was a pioneering astronomer in New Zealand who discovered several comets, and also a devoted Christian.
16 Jun, 2020