Why did God make such a big universe?The vastness of the universe accentuates Gods immensity, and shows how amazing it is that He cares for us.Article19 Jul, 2022
Distant starlight and the days of Genesis 1The Bible answers whether distant starlight occurred, but not how it occurred, and the usage of yom is a strong inductive argument for 24-hour Genesis 1 days.Article13 Apr, 2013
Pluto’s moons surprise evolutionistsNew data from spacecraft... evolutionists: Wow, we weren't expecting that! It's so much more fulfilling if you develop hypotheses based on the biblical account of creation. Watch the entire episode at: https://creation.com/cml7-11 [https://creation.com/cml7-11]Video25 May, 202202:40
Shocking spacecraft discoveries verify Pluto is youngDiscoveries made in 2015 from the New Horizons spacecraft shocked scientists who believe Pluto in old. The data supports an age for Pluto that is much more compatible with biblical estimates for the age of our solar system. Watch the entire episode at: https://creation.com/cml7-11 [https://creation.com/cml7-11]Video11 May, 202202:08
Distant starlight and the biblical timeframe: Answering a most-asked questionDoes distant starlight conflict with the Bibles account of recent 6-day creation?Article10 May, 2022
The Seven-Day WeekAround the world today, people observe a seven-day week. Why do we have the concept of a week at all?Article05 May, 2022
God made the starsInterview with Ph.D. full professor of astronomy, Danny Faulkner, who is also a biblical creationistArticle23 Nov, 2011
Spiral galaxies: too many for the big bangSupercomputer simulations show that proposed dark matter halos cause too many galaxy collisions.Article26 Apr, 2022
TidesHow the gravity of the sun and moon God made on Day 4 of Creation Week causes tides.Article28 Mar, 2022
Stonehenge and the new discovery of its inbuilt solar calendarStonehenge demonstrated as solar calendar of 365.25 days Sarsen stones spaced to count thirty-day months of three decan weeks.Article17 Mar, 2022
Joint European Torus (JET) nuclear fusion reactor breaks energy production record Joint European Torus reactor breaks nuclear fusion energy production record.Article03 Mar, 2022
The James Webb Space Telescope NASA’s James Webb Space telescope is touted to see the youngest galaxies but there is another side to the story.Article26 Dec, 2021
Why would a designer leave debris floating in space?Questioning Intelligent Design based on phenomena in space that seem to show chaos.Article11 Dec, 2021
What’s a billion years here or there?A billion years younger; reducing the age of stars, of young basalt moon rocks, and of sandstone quartzite.Article09 Dec, 2021
The volcanism and age of IoA young age for Io better explains its surface features than does a billions of years timeframe.Article22 Oct, 2021
Did God use big bangThe Big Bang does not fit with how God claims to have created in Genesis.Article06 Oct, 2012