Charon craters and comet conundrumsCharon lacks craters from small Kuiper Belt Objects, removing the only current naturalistic explanation for short-period comets.Article15 Jun, 2020
Ceres surprisesCeres, with escaping volatiles and active volcanism, has both surprised scientists, and greatly called into question its official ‘age’Article03 Jun, 2020
Solar wind protects us from cosmic raysVoyager 2 showed that the heliosphere bounded by heliopause: a protective shield of our solar wind against cosmic ray particles.Article03 Mar, 2020
The mystery of the moonThe moon is an enigma to evolutionists locked into various scenarios to describe how the solar system came into being.Article22 Jan, 2020
Mars moons mysteryThe proximity of moons Phobos and Deimos to Mars, and their decaying orbits, can sometimes push formation theories beyond their limit.Article04 Nov, 2019
The satellites of PlutoRecent naturalistic models for the origins of Platos moons all fail to explain critical aspects of Platos outer moons.Article09 Aug, 2019
How did the Solar System form?If the solar system formed by naturalistic processes as evolutionary astronomers claim, their own analysis doesn’t match that theory.Article01 May, 2019
Saturnian ‘pristine’ problemSaturn’s rings of water ice are too ‘pristine’ to have been there for four billion years.Article02 Jan, 2019
Apollo 8 and Genesis: A Christmas messageChristmas eve broadcast from space by Apollo 8 astronauts clearly makes the connection between Christmas and Creation.Article24 Dec, 2018
The truth about the Galileo affairThe Galileo affair was about politics, and not about defending the Bible and the Christian faith.Article08 Nov, 2018
The Manx comet and naturalistic assumptionsNaturalistic assumptions can get in the way of understanding the origin of solar system objects like the Manx comet.Article20 Jul, 2018
How many impact craters should there be on the earthOur Earth, the moon, asteroids and impact craters.Article23 Mar, 2018
Confusion over moon originsThere are three competing naturalistic ideas for how our moon was formed.Article19 Jan, 2018
EclipsesAn eclipse is a stunning astronomical event that bears witness to the Creator.Article20 Nov, 2017
Rediscovering PlutoPluto, Charon, New Horizons and implications for a young universe.Article23 Jun, 2017