DNA detected in duckbilled dinoDNA has been detected in a duckbilled dinosaur fossil, undermining the traditional millions of years age for it.Article17 Aug, 2020
Sensational dinosaur blood report!Finding actual red blood cells in unfossilized dinosaur bones, along with evidence of hemoglobin, should not be possible if the millions of years are real; they should have disappeared long ago.Article14 Sep, 1998
Cephalopods' 'earliest' ancestor - no signs of evolutionWell-preserved fossil of soft bodied earliest cephalopod ancestor looks just like modern squid, evidence for the Flood.Article18 Oct, 2022
Ammonite fossil without the shellA well-preserved fossil of ammonite soft tissue apart from its shell is consistent with the conditions in Noahs Flood.Article24 Aug, 2022
830-million-year-old life in ancient salt crystalsHalite salt radiometrically dated at 830-million-years-old contains saline inclusions containing prokaryote and eukaryote cellsArticle07 Jun, 2022
Duck-billed dinosaurDuck-billed dinosaur fossil has preserved skin, blood vessels, and bone cells.Article27 Sep, 2021
Soft flexible nerves found in Triceratops boneSoft flexible nerves in a Triceratops fossil shows that these fossils are not millions of years old.Article09 Aug, 2021
Soft tissue in an ichthyosaur fossilSoft tissue preservation in a ‘Jurassic’ ichthyosaur is more evidence that fossils fit the biblical timeframe.Article20 Jan, 2021
Spider eyes shining in the rocksSpider fossils entombed in rock still have reflective eyes and are perfectly preserved—pointing to rapid geological depositionArticle07 Dec, 2020
The polymer shield explanation for soft tissue fossilsThe polymer shield preservation model for soft tissue in fossils has several shortcomings and doesnt explain all the data.Article27 Nov, 2020
Oldest Pigment moleculesClaimed 1.1 billion year old pigment molecules make proper sense in the biblical framework of thousands of years.Article02 Mar, 2020
Answering moral relativistResponse to a moral relativist who says morality is rooted in evolution, and blasts creationists for their “narrow” worldview.Article08 Jul, 2017
Mummified lion cubs found in Siberian iceMummified lion cubs found frozen in Siberian ice.Article06 Feb, 2017
Triceratops soft tissueWhen examined under a scanning electron microscope, bone osteocytes cells were seen together with extraordinary structural preservation of the cell.Article19 Nov, 2016
Media bias hides the significance of Alaskan hadrosaur findsUnpermineralized hadrosaur bones in Alaska pose problem for millions of years.Article20 Oct, 2015