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Genesis author structure

Genesis author structure

Moses was editor of Genesis, used 11-toledot structure which are not colophons. Clear evidence of ancient composition edited for the people escaping Egypt.
16 Oct, 2024
Is biblical truth being suppressed?

Is biblical truth being suppressed?

Evolutionists do not want you to see or hear the truth of creation. They ridicule and oppose Bible believers.
08 Jun, 2021
Pop culture evolutionism

Pop culture evolutionism

Popular culture imbues the public with myths and misconceptions about our past. How can creation science help steer the ship?
18 Mar, 2021
‘Atheist atrocities fallacy’?

‘Atheist atrocities fallacy’?

Answering the atheist atrocities fallacy charge, which mentions evil atheistic regimes to counter atheistic arguments about Christians behaving badly.
17 Nov, 2020
Neil DeGrasse Tyson: wrong on God, evil, and miracles

Neil DeGrasse Tyson: wrong on God, evil, and miracles

Neil DeGrasse Tyson misunderstands the nature of God, the problem of evil, and the nature of miracles.
14 Nov, 2020
The deep inconsistency of evolutionism, revealed amid the COVID-19 crisis

The deep inconsistency of evolutionism, revealed amid the COVID-19 crisis

Stephen Asma, a philosophy professor, released an opinion piece in the New York Times that shows the inconsistency of evolutionism.
05 May, 2020
Wise use of smart devices and social media in a secular age

Wise use of smart devices and social media in a secular age

The digital world, with social media platforms and smart phones, requires smart use, to avoid nomophobia and unhelpful worldview indoctrination.
23 Jan, 2020
Can evolutionists use celebrities to brainwash the public?

Can evolutionists use celebrities to brainwash the public?

A team of evolutionist researchers suggests intentional brainwashing of students using celebrity endorsements of evolution.
10 Jan, 2019
Braterman slam dunk flunk

Braterman slam dunk flunk

Rebuttal of anti-creationist article by Paul Braterman covering Sahelanthropus, “Evolution is just a theory”, Mike Pence, biogeography, marsupial distributions, mutability, Belyayev tame foxes, and equivocation.
28 Nov, 2017
Was Gerard Krefft sacked for being an evolutionist

Was Gerard Krefft sacked for being an evolutionist

Was Gerard Krefft fired just because he was an evolutionist?
05 Nov, 2015