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Coral: animal, vegetable and mineral

Coral: animal, vegetable and mineral

Coral reefs are only thousands of years old, not millions.
26 Feb, 2014
Ancient coral

Ancient coral

Paleozoic corals do not provide evidence of an ancient earth or necessitate that days were shorter pre-Flood.
21 Feb, 2014
Origins vs operational science

Origins vs operational science

Operational science deals with repeatable observations and experiments in the present, and origins science is when you try to apply those results to explain what happened in the past.
22 Sep, 2013
Creationism modern science

Creationism modern science

Biblical creationists need not reject modern science ideas like quantum mechanics and relativity; indeed they may actually be helpful in understanding how God created everything.
05 Apr, 2013
Review harrison bible protestantism natural science

Review harrison bible protestantism natural science

The Reformation emphasis on the literal, historical-grammatical, reading of the Bible gave rise to natural science.
01 Apr, 2011
Human population growth

Human population growth

Multiple lines of evidence regarding population growth point to a recent origin of humans
24 May, 2010
Civilization comes suddenly

Civilization comes suddenly

An archeological discovery in Peru of a complex civilization contemporaneous with Mesopotamia prompts questions about why widely separated civilizations all appeared at around the same time. Languages did something similar.
22 Feb, 2010
Robots not intelligent

Robots not intelligent

Artificial intelligence researcher Noel Sharkey says AI machines not intelligent nor have consciousness robots taking over world based on illusion
02 Feb, 2010
Dinosaur soft tissue and protein--even more confirmation!

Dinosaur soft tissue and protein--even more confirmation!

Mary Schweitzer announces even stronger evidence, this time from a duckbilled dino fossil, of even more proteins—and the same amazingly preserved flexible blood vessel and cell structures as before.
06 May, 2009
Evidence for multiple ring growth per year in Bristlecone Pines

Evidence for multiple ring growth per year in Bristlecone Pines

18 Sep, 2008
Is evolution pseudoscience?

Is evolution pseudoscience?

08 Sep, 2008
Science, Creation, and Evolutionism (refutation of NAS)

Science, Creation, and Evolutionism (refutation of NAS)

Refutation of Science, Evolution and Creationism by the US National Academy of Sciences
08 Feb, 2008
Magnetic Message from Mercury

Magnetic Message from Mercury

Magnetic Message from Mercury
05 Feb, 2008