Dawkins' Delusion (continued)Rebuttal of Dawkins supporters who challenge Atheist with a mission book review. Biases and arguments in support of Dawkins exposedArticle10 Mar, 2007
Dawkins and EugenicsDawkins and Eugenics: A leading high priest of evolution reveals its ugly side.Article01 Dec, 2006
The Haggard tragedyWhen a vocal defender of the Bible’s authority, even one who attacks evolution, is morally disgraced in the public eye, what does that say about the link between evolution and morality?Article09 Nov, 2006
The Hypocrisy of Intolerant 'Tolerance'schoolgirl failed for refusing to write homosexual assignment, exposing the intolerance of the new toleranceArticle27 Oct, 2006
Erring on the side of censorship (Brittany McComb)Brittany McComb, valedictorian, wanted to thank Jesus, but microphone was switched off by school censorsArticle21 Jul, 2006