Stumping old-age dogmaRadiocarbon in an ‘ancient’ fossil tree stump casts doubt on traditional rock/fossil datingArticle01 Jan, 2025
Carbon dating—who is fooling whom?Separating facts from fiction and data from the dogma regarding claims of accuracy for 14C and dendrochronology dating techniques.Article08 Dec, 2018
Equivocal carbon dating of ancient footprintsEquivocal carbon dating of ancient footprints in New Mexico, conflict with long-age understanding of human occupation of North America.Article03 May, 2024
Radiocarbon in dinosaur bones Researchers recently presented at a geophysics conference in Singapore radiocarbon dating results of dinosaur bones ranging from 22,000 to 39,000 years old, which have since been censored.Article22 Jan, 2013
Debunking Graham Hancock’s Ancient Apocalypse TV seriesGraham Hancock Ancient Apocalypse proposes civilization older than secular archaeology allows.Article21 Jan, 2023
William Pengelly’s cave excavations and the antiquity of manWilliam Pengelly’s Brixham cave excavations encouraged belief in the antiquity of mankind beyond the biblical timeframe.Article19 May, 2022
How old are Göbekli Tepe and the Lost City of Dwarka?Göbekli Tepe and Lost City of Dwarka dates do not fit Genesis timeline for Creation or Flood.Article23 Dec, 2021
How old are the pyramids of Egypt?The oldest of Egypts pyramids fit comfortably within biblical history and timescale as post-Flood and post-Babel monuments.Article17 Feb, 2021
Questioning carbon 14 dating of Durrington Circle artefactsCarbon 14 procedural blanks are not carbon-14 ‘dead’ therefore entire method is suspect.Article26 Sep, 2020
Radioactive dating anomaliesConflicting radioactive dating results are reported all the time and, on their own, there is no way of knowing what they mean.Article12 Mar, 2012
How old? When Archaeology conflicts with the Bible.Archaeologists discover a spear point “9000 years old”? But it’s far older than either the biblical date for the Flood or Creation. What are the answers?Article01 Nov, 2018
Radioactive dating in conflict!Fossil wood in ancient lava flow yields radiocarbon.Article03 May, 2017
Radiocarbon jurassic world havocCarbon-14 testing of dinosaur fossils shows they cannot be millions of years old.Article25 Jun, 2015
C14 dates hk arkThe discrepant C-14 dates provide further skepticism of the recent claim by a Hong Kong Team to have found Noahs Ark on Mt Ararat.Article23 Oct, 2011