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Historical Science, Chaos Theory, and the sliding scale of trust

Historical Science, Chaos Theory, and the sliding scale of trust

We explore the connections between Ian Malcolms Chaos Theory in Jurassic Park and historical science and forensics.
01 Oct, 2020
Lindy Chamberlain-Creighton interview

Lindy Chamberlain-Creighton interview

Lindy Chamberlain-Creighton of the infamous dingo trial is a believer in biblical creation, and a living witness to the folly of trusting forensic science without question.
26 Aug, 2013
William Lane Craig creation and anthropology

William Lane Craig creation and anthropology

Responding to recent William Lane Craig statements about creation and the historical Adam and Eve.
13 Aug, 2020
Fossil flip-flop

Fossil flip-flop

Even after careful inspection fossils can be misinterpreted because a scientists assumptions of what could be affect what he actually sees.
12 Jun, 2013
Christianity and Newtonian science

Christianity and Newtonian science

Natural laws come from Gods will, not natures necessity, meaning we must study nature to know its structure.
15 Nov, 2019
Deconstructing Darwin: Darwin’s real message

Deconstructing Darwin: Darwin’s real message

Stephen Jay Gould on Darwins real message.
04 Mar, 2009
The universe of the lone brain

The universe of the lone brain

There’s no evidence for multiple universes but evolutionists invoke them to explain why we exist.
25 Mar, 2019
Cleland’s case for historical science: part 1

Cleland’s case for historical science: part 1

Carol Clelands arguments that historical and experimental science are equally accessible and reliable require biblical revelation to ground and preserve them both.
23 Nov, 2018
Apophenia and design

Apophenia and design

Biology looks designed because it is designed; life is not a case of apophenia.
02 Nov, 2018
Is bias a bad thing?

Is bias a bad thing?

Christians and atheists have presuppositions that affect how we interpret facts and evidence.
19 Jul, 2018
Unintelligent Design

Unintelligent Design

Design by evolution, a blind stochastic process, is not intelligent design but unintelligent design, both tautologous and logically impossible.
08 Mar, 2018
Origin of life research

Origin of life research

Understanding the presuppositions and goals of the researchers to properly read the secular literature carefully, especially with chemical evolution (abiogenesis)
12 Sep, 2017
Evolution fraud

Evolution fraud

Evolution history is full of deliberate frauds, but most of their error is due to faulty presuppositions.
26 Aug, 2017
Tree fruit and the relevance of Genesis creation

Tree fruit and the relevance of Genesis creation

People’s beliefs about origins shapes worldviews. That is, the ideas about where we come from, what is the meaning of life and what happens to us when we die.
17 Jul, 2017
How do miracles happen

How do miracles happen

We do not need to know how miracles happen to know that they have happened.
11 May, 2017
Sola Scriptura in an age of science

Sola Scriptura in an age of science

Martin Luther used God’s Word to challenge the authorities of his day and we can still do likewise 500 years later.
08 May, 2017