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God, science, everything, and nothing

God, science, everything, and nothing

Science is limited in what it can tell us about God, the universe, and the nature of nothing.
25 Feb, 2023
How certain are agnostics, 100% sure?

How certain are agnostics, 100% sure?

An agnostic has doubts and shows internal blindness but it’s unsafe to be unsure, and creation apologetics helps answer agnosticism.
16 Feb, 2023
The epistemic abyss of naturalistic evolution

The epistemic abyss of naturalistic evolution

However trustworthy our minds are, naturalistic evolution has deep epistemic problems.
13 Oct, 2022
Systematic consistency of biblical creation

Systematic consistency of biblical creation

The systematic consistency of biblical creation: an introduction.
23 Sep, 2022
Creation is a foundational truth

Creation is a foundational truth

Irenaeus: the prophets and apostles regarded creation as foundational.
26 Jul, 2022
Is there absolute truth?

Is there absolute truth?

Absolute truth is real, but it probably is not the best way to argue for Gods existence.
23 Apr, 2022
The denial of Genesis is bad for science and Christianity

The denial of Genesis is bad for science and Christianity

History denial and skepticism of Genesis in favour of consensus science damages both science and Christianity, ethics and the Gospel.
07 Apr, 2022
Review: 'Science Without God?'

Review: 'Science Without God?'

A review of Science Without God? by Peter Harrison and Jon H. Roberts (Eds.)
03 Dec, 2021
Faith and facts

Faith and facts

Faith, evidence, facts, presuppositions, worldviews and proofs for creation.
01 Mar, 2016
What would it take for biblical creationists to change their convictions?

What would it take for biblical creationists to change their convictions?

Empirical science does not preclude metascientific convictions. Biblical creationists accused of circular reasoning actually hold fast to Scriptural truths.
07 Sep, 2021
How can we tell who is right?

How can we tell who is right?

We discern the truth in the origins debate most fundamentally by testing against the Bible.
24 Jul, 2021
Mathematics—from the mind of God

Mathematics—from the mind of God

Mathematics is not racist, but from God’s mind, shown by Fibonacci Sequence, Euler’s equations, Genesis chronogenealogies.
18 May, 2021
God and the beginning of the universe

God and the beginning of the universe

Scripture doesnt say if God could have entered into time; arguments for and against probe beyond Scripture.
20 Mar, 2021
Do we throw out contrary evidence?

Do we throw out contrary evidence?

A reader asks whether CMI has a blind allegiance to the Bible—requiring the automatic dismissal of contrary evidence.
13 Mar, 2021
The fingerprintless family. The result of a beneficial evolutionary mutation?

The fingerprintless family. The result of a beneficial evolutionary mutation?

Does the fingerprintless Sarker family (with no dermatoglyphs) demonstrate evolution in action or is it a harmful mutation?
09 Feb, 2021
Theology made me reject creation

Theology made me reject creation

A reader asks for help responding to someone who says, “It was theology, not science, that turned me off to creation.”
10 Oct, 2020