The Tower of Babel account affirmed by linguisticsHow the account in Genesis 11 accurately records the origin of different languages.Article26 Jun, 2008
The stress/heat flow paradox of the San Andreas Fault, CAThe stress/heat flow paradox of the San Andreas Fault, CaliforniaArticle19 Jun, 2008
Noahs long-distance travelersQuartzite boulders speak powerfully of the global FloodArticle02 Jul, 2007
Evolution of the rhinoceros? Preposterous!Claims that the rhinoceros is the result of evolution collapse under scrutiny. In contrast, when viewed through the Bible’s account of history, things ‘rhino’ begin to make sense.Article30 Apr, 2007
Kenyan pastor speaks out on evolutionAfricans are increasingly being exposed to evolution, particularly ‘human evolution’, as never before.Article06 Oct, 2006
Radioisotope dating of rocks in the Grand CanyonRadioisotope dating of rocks in the Grand CanyonArticle24 Jul, 2006