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Charles Darwins savages

Charles Darwins savages

Christopher Columbus described the Fuegians as friendly, and handsome; Darwin compared them to devils and animals. Why the difference?
08 Jun, 2011
Geologic Catastrophe and the Young Earth (Steve Austin Interview)

Geologic Catastrophe and the Young Earth (Steve Austin Interview)

For more details visit: https://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-28 [https://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-28]
25 May, 201110:00
Great artesian basin

Great artesian basin

The rocks of the Great Artesian Basin, Australia, have characteristics which make them easy to classify within a biblical geological framework.
04 Mar, 2011
How old is Grand Canyon

How old is Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon age conflicting dates.
29 Oct, 2010
Neutral Model of evolution recent African origins

Neutral Model of evolution recent African origins

The Recent African Origins theory cannot explain human origins because it assumes the Standard Neutral Model of evolution, which cannot mimic real-world mutation and natural selection rates.
02 Jul, 2010
Galapagos iguanas

Galapagos iguanas

The marine and land iguanas on the Galapagos, Darwin
28 Jun, 2010
The original 'unknown' god of China

The original 'unknown' god of China

The oldest Chinese writing shows that the people had the knowledge of the God of Genesis
26 May, 2010
Island rule

Island rule

Animals isolated on islands tend to get bigger if they were small and smaller if they were big, but these changes give no support to microbes-to-mankind evolution.
05 Apr, 2010
"Models, Genes & Global Warming" Dr John Baumgardner

"Models, Genes & Global Warming" Dr John Baumgardner

John Baumgardner’s computer modelling of how rapid plate tectonics occurred during the great Flood drew world acclaim. He now turns this same expertise to mapping and modelling new data from the exciting field of genetics, and ecological changes that have occurred since the Flood, and it is good news for the Creation model.
30 Mar, 2010
"Planetary Cataclysm" Dr John Baumgardner

"Planetary Cataclysm" Dr John Baumgardner

A world leading geophysicist explains how computer modelling has turned conventional plate tectonics on its head in favour of an account that supports the biblical Flood. Full 55 min talk available on DVD at the CMI webstore.
30 Mar, 201001:45
Darwins mistake on the Santa Cruz River

Darwins mistake on the Santa Cruz River

Darwin wrongly interpreted the Santa Cruz River as being eroded by the ocean over millions of years but it was carved by a catastrophic release of glacial meltwater
01 Mar, 2010
Australian ice age animal extinction

Australian ice age animal extinction

Ninety percent of Australian large mammals and birds most likely went extinct due to severe drought at the end of the Ice Age and not human overkilling.
26 Feb, 2010
The paradox of warm-climate vegetation in Antarctica

The paradox of warm-climate vegetation in Antarctica

21 Aug, 2009
Dating oldest pottery from China

Dating oldest pottery from China

11 Jun, 2009
A Tale of Four Countries

A Tale of Four Countries

07 Nov, 2008
Vampire finches of the Galápagos

Vampire finches of the Galápagos

18 Aug, 2008