The remarkable Captain Robert FitzRoyCaptaining the Beagle made Robert FitzRoy famous, but his skills as a surveyor and contributions to weather forecasting should also be acknowledged.Article17 Apr, 2019
The wombatThe wombat and badger might look similar, but similarities don’t necessarily mean a recent common ancestor.Article27 Feb, 2019
Black Mountain, North Queensland, AustraliaBlack Mountain, North Queensland, Australia from a biblical geological perspectiveArticle01 Jan, 2019
CapybaraCapybara, the world’s biggest rodent that seems to get along with everything.Article28 Nov, 2018
Humanism: neither healthy, nor humaneChaplains are religious representatives operating in secular institutions. Since humanism is allegedly non-religious, is not a ‘humanist chaplain’ an oxymoron, revealing humanism’s blatant double standards?Article18 Sep, 2018
The sloth: Slowest mammal on EarthWhy does a sloth hang upside down for most of its life?Article13 Aug, 2018
The problem of the wet SaharaBoth creationists and uniformitarians have trouble explaining how the Sahara become a desert.Article10 Aug, 2018
The atlatl (woomera) and the heron’s neckSome have speculated that the idea of atlatl/woomera-assisted spearthrowing came from watching herons use their crook-neck posture to hunt.Article08 Aug, 2018
Can the Ica Stones be independently authenticated?Genuine pre-Columbian burial stones (‘Ica stones’) can be distinguished from modern souvenir stones by patina analysis and metallurgical analysis. The Palpa Museum stone bearing etchings of a sauropod dinosaur and other animals was confirmed as ancient. Such analyses can confirm (or refute) the antiquity of the many other Ica stones bearing dinosaur images.Article03 Aug, 2018
Much supposed geological time missing from strataThe rock record is mostly gap with very little record, according to deep time.Article27 Jul, 2018
Do something about Mammoth Cave, KentuckyIdeas to address the evolutionary teaching at Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky.Article21 Jul, 2018
Where was Eden? Part 2Geology shows that the modern landscape was shaped by Noahs Flood, destroying any prospect of locating Eden today.Article29 Jun, 2018
Placental versus Marsupial: A tale of two ‘wolves’Evidence is against Australia’s dingo being responsible for the mainland disappearance of its marsupial counterpart, the Tasmanian tiger/wolf/thylacine.Article25 Jun, 2018
Noahs Flood explains boulder depositsRounded hard rocks transported great distances across the continents are evidence of Noah’s Flood.Article09 Apr, 2018