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How to think

How to think

The difference between operational and historical science helps to answer questions about flat earth, biblical creation, and natural selection, while avoiding non-discriminating information.
01 Nov, 2016
Lawyer jettisons Noah's Flood

Lawyer jettisons Noah's Flood

Many people think that the biblical flood of Noah was abandoned because of the evidence. However, history tells a different story. Modern geological thought owes much to a man named Charles Lyell. Lyell, a lawyer, published a book in 1830 called Principles of Geology. Described as a "masterpiece of persuasion", it changed the way people thought about earth's past. According to Lyell, we should only appeal to today's geological processes to explain earth history. However, this approach meant that the global flood recorded in the Bible was automatically ruled out of consideration. Lyell wanted, he wrote, "to free the science [of geology] from Moses". Regrettably, many people have uncritically adopted Lyell's philosophy, without considering how Noah’s flood can help us understand earth history. Lyell changed the way many people think, but his approach was motivated by his anti-biblical philosophy, not an objective study of the evidence. Indeed, it is very difficult to explain earth's history without Noah's Flood.
07 Oct, 201601:01
Genesis: A case study for biblical authority

Genesis: A case study for biblical authority

Christians will quote Scripture as plainly written to justify belief in the events leading up to the crucifixion and the resurrection. However, in regarding the creation account, there is a much greater tendency to give authority to extra-biblical ideas rather than going strictly with the text. This episode uses Genesis chapters 1-11 as a case study for biblical authority.
17 Aug, 201628:30
Where materialism logically leads

Where materialism logically leads

Why materialism logically leads scientists to a confused state over the universe.
31 May, 2016
Mind over matter

Mind over matter

Naturalists declare genetic coding arose from a mindless process. But coded information has only been observed coming from a mind.
12 Nov, 2015


Agnosticism is uncertainty about God\\s existence. How should Christians respond?
10 Nov, 2015
Precambrian rabbits death knell for evolution

Precambrian rabbits death knell for evolution

Rabbit fossils in the Precambrian.
04 Sep, 2015
Worldviews history and earth age part 2

Worldviews history and earth age part 2

Does the Christian church see any conflict between long ages and biblical claims about origins?
26 Jun, 2015
Scientists wrong

Scientists wrong

History tells us that the majority of scientists can be wrong?
12 Jan, 2015
Snowmen point to design

Snowmen point to design

Snowmen, designed or created? Complex humans, designed or created? Specified complexity requires intelligent minds.
06 Jan, 2015
Is evolution true?

Is evolution true?

21 arguments for biological evolution are examined.
18 Mar, 2014
Evolution and purpose in life - what is it?

Evolution and purpose in life - what is it?

At a forum on depression a young man said, "I think some people may have an inability to cope and maybe, this might sound a bit extreme, that might be Darwinian theory, the Darwin theory of survival of the fittest. Maybe some of us aren't meant to survive, maybe some of us are meant to kill ourselves."
14 Feb, 201401:00
Roots and fruits

Roots and fruits

Evolutions origins are anti-Christian and anti-biblical, and its consequences appear to be uniformly evil.
12 Oct, 2013


Key terms such as natural law, miracle, and methodological naturalism have been modified or invented in ways that slant the rules of engagement between Christianity and secularism against Christianity.
23 Aug, 2013
Deep time irrational

Deep time irrational

Deep time history is founded on irrational axioms that ignore the power of testimony as evidence in history.
20 Jun, 2013
Nobel Prize Discrimination

Nobel Prize Discrimination

In 2003, the Nobel Prize for Medicine was awarded to the pioneers of MRI scanning technology. But of those honored for this amazing medical breakthrough, there was a glaring omission.
21 May, 201300:59