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Eyewitness Testimony is Reliable

Eyewitness Testimony is Reliable

The claim that eyewitness testimony is notoriously unreliable is investigated and refuted.
10 Nov, 2020
Historical Science, Chaos Theory, and the sliding scale of trust

Historical Science, Chaos Theory, and the sliding scale of trust

We explore the connections between Ian Malcolms Chaos Theory in Jurassic Park and historical science and forensics.
01 Oct, 2020
The parable of the cupboard and Genesis 1:29–30

The parable of the cupboard and Genesis 1:29–30

A simple parable about Genesis 1:29–30 can be useful in explaining the Scriptural position on animal death, suffering and carnivory prior to the Fall.
08 Sep, 2020
If evolution explains contrary things, can it legitimately be called science?

If evolution explains contrary things, can it legitimately be called science?

Evolution is not science. It cannot be falsified, is promoted by storytelling and logical fallacies—having your cake and eating it.
18 Jun, 2020
The deep inconsistency of evolutionism, revealed amid the COVID-19 crisis

The deep inconsistency of evolutionism, revealed amid the COVID-19 crisis

Stephen Asma, a philosophy professor, released an opinion piece in the New York Times that shows the inconsistency of evolutionism.
05 May, 2020
5G and COVID-19

5G and COVID-19

5G is not related to the coronavirus, except in the minds of conspiracy theorists. Operational science can answer the questions.
02 May, 2020
Deep time in 18th century France: part 2

Deep time in 18th century France: part 2

The rise of deep time in France came over to Britain mainly through methodological naturalism and a subtle undermining of Christianity.
01 May, 2020
Amino acids produced in hydrothermal vents?

Amino acids produced in hydrothermal vents?

Abiotic tryptophan in hydrothermal vents, chemical evolution.
25 Apr, 2020
National Geographic’s strange ideas about the origin of life

National Geographic’s strange ideas about the origin of life

National Geographic calls creationists anti-science. Their nature documentary is based on magic, the miraculous, mystery, and imagination.
05 Mar, 2020
Summoning the Demon: Worshiping Artificial Intelligence

Summoning the Demon: Worshiping Artificial Intelligence

Anthony Levandowski’s ‘Way of the Future’ cult has disturbing ideas about computers. Are we going to see people worshiping robots?
21 Jan, 2020
Deconstructing Darwin: Darwin’s real message

Deconstructing Darwin: Darwin’s real message

Stephen Jay Gould on Darwins real message.
04 Mar, 2009
God is love

God is love

God sending His Son to save us is a natural outpouring of His essentially loving and merciful character.
20 Jul, 2019
The universe of the lone brain

The universe of the lone brain

There’s no evidence for multiple universes but evolutionists invoke them to explain why we exist.
25 Mar, 2019
William of Ockham

William of Ockham

All human conjecture is subordinate to and corrected by the written Word of God.
26 Dec, 2018
Faith and facts

Faith and facts

Do faith and facts relate to each other at all? Is there evidence for Christian faith? Yes! A biblical worldview is the best fit for the facts.
27 Nov, 201828:30
Cleland’s case for historical science: part 1

Cleland’s case for historical science: part 1

Carol Clelands arguments that historical and experimental science are equally accessible and reliable require biblical revelation to ground and preserve them both.
23 Nov, 2018