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The Irrational Faith of Evolution

The Irrational Faith of Evolution

The creation/evolution debate is often described as ‘science VS faith’. However, everyone lives by faith. This episode explores several types of faith and shows how belief in evolution fits the category of irrational faith.
24 Aug, 202223:25
Everyone lives by faith

Everyone lives by faith

There are different kinds of faith. This episode explains why everyone lives by faith and summarizes and compares different kinds of faith. It looks at the role that faith plays in the origins debate, for both evolutionists and creationists.
20 Jul, 202223:32
It's not facts vs faith but faith vs faith

It's not facts vs faith but faith vs faith

Both creationists and evolutionists interpret facts within the history they believe to be true. Ultimately both creation and evolution begin with faith. Watch the entire episode at https://creation.com/cml7-17 [https://creation.com/cml7-17]
13 Jul, 202202:14
How does God relate to time?

How does God relate to time?

God is eternal, but Scripture doesnt explain how God relates to time. Moreover, God can be timeless and personal.
01 Apr, 2017
Could monkeys type the 23 Psalm?

Could monkeys type the 23 Psalm?

Could monkeys type the 23rd Psalm? No, not even if there were an infinite number of monkeys and the time available was infinite.
05 Jul, 2009
How is "fearing God" helpful?

How is "fearing God" helpful?

Why would the 'fear of the Lord' be the beginning of wisdom, and how does this benefit individuals and society? For more details watch the entire episode at: https://creation.com/cml7-16 [https://creation.com/cml7-16]
29 Jun, 202205:32
Rewilding, artificial food, and creation

Rewilding, artificial food, and creation

A response to the environmentalists’ rewilding agenda, which would devalue people and diminish the quality of human life. Far better, the biblical approach involves stewardship, and respect for creation.
31 May, 2022
Immanuel Kant and Genesis

Immanuel Kant and Genesis

Kants rejection and subsequent reinterpretation of Genesis 1–3 was foundational to his religion of reason.
20 May, 2022
Is there absolute truth?

Is there absolute truth?

Absolute truth is real, but it probably is not the best way to argue for Gods existence.
23 Apr, 2022
Did animals die before Adam sinned?

Did animals die before Adam sinned?

God described His original creation as 'very good' but did that include the death of animals before Adam sinned? We explore the implications of animals dying before the Fall.
16 Mar, 202224:27
Positive case for creation

Positive case for creation

Do creationists present only god-of-the-gaps arguments and criticize evolution, or is there positive evidence for creation?
08 Mar, 2022
Biblical reliability: response to critic

Biblical reliability: response to critic

Is the Bible trustworthy and reliable? Response to critic, covering canon, contradictions, ritual purity laws, miracles, and science.
05 Mar, 2022
Kalam cosmological argument: a good argument?

Kalam cosmological argument: a good argument?

The Kalam cosmological argument could be a bad argument even if it is logically sound.
26 Feb, 2022
Review: 'The Demon in the Machine'

Review: 'The Demon in the Machine'

A review of The Demon in the Machine by Paul Davies
25 Feb, 2022
Process theism and biblical creation

Process theism and biblical creation

Process theism contradicts the Bible, because it says God needs nothing, and implies He made the world from nothing.
11 Jun, 2016
Artificial intelligence and evolution

Artificial intelligence and evolution

Even the most sophisticated artificial intelligence pales in complexity next to the software of life.
14 Feb, 2022