Is Atheism a religion?Atheism can truly be defined as a religion, e.g. because it fulfills the seven dimensions of religion set forth by Ninian Smart.Article04 May, 2010
Is God Christian wish fulfillmentAtheists often assert that Christian belief in God comes from aArticle27 Mar, 2010
atheist word hurt Atheists will declare hurt and offence to pressure Christians to stop evangelizing or defending their faith against what the world is teaching.Article16 Feb, 2010
Is Richard Dawkins an atheist?Is Richard Dawkins an atheist? Or is he a God-hater?Article30 Jan, 2008
Dawkins' Delusion (continued)Rebuttal of Dawkins supporters who challenge Atheist with a mission book review. Biases and arguments in support of Dawkins exposedArticle10 Mar, 2007
Dawkins and EugenicsDawkins and Eugenics: A leading high priest of evolution reveals its ugly side.Article01 Dec, 2006