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Braterman slam dunk flunk

Braterman slam dunk flunk

Rebuttal of anti-creationist article by Paul Braterman covering Sahelanthropus, “Evolution is just a theory”, Mike Pence, biogeography, marsupial distributions, mutability, Belyayev tame foxes, and equivocation.
28 Nov, 2017
Do creationists cherry-pick discordant dates?

Do creationists cherry-pick discordant dates?

The fatal flaw with all dating methods means geologists have to change their story after the event.
28 Oct, 2017
Peter Vajda interview

Peter Vajda interview

Tas Walker talks to geophysicist Dr Peter Vajda from Slovakia about Earth science and Earth history.
19 Oct, 2017
Mercator’s Projections

Mercator’s Projections

Mercator’s rectangular map of the word has revolutionized navigation ever since he published it in 1569.
09 Oct, 2017
Confronted by the Second Law of Thermodynamics

Confronted by the Second Law of Thermodynamics

Engineer Colin Gibson became convinced evolution was true, but then he was confronted by the evidence for creation.
24 Aug, 2017
Backward eye colour optimization

Backward eye colour optimization

Erez Ribak’s research shows that our ‘backwardly-wired’ retina is an ideal structure to optimize colour vision, thanks to the fibre optic plate of Müller glial cells.
07 Aug, 2017
Charles Bree the scientist who challenged Darwin

Charles Bree the scientist who challenged Darwin

Charles Robert Bree, a celebrated scientist and surgeon, was a contemporary of Charles Darwin, and one of his fiercest critics.
03 Aug, 2017
On holy ground Down House

On holy ground Down House

Charles Darwin worked from Down House in Kent, today a museum with secular, pro-evolution, anti-Christian message.
13 Jun, 2017
Alien Intrusion [Official Movie Trailer]  #2

Alien Intrusion [Official Movie Trailer] #2

THE ALIEN INTRUSION http://alienintrusion.com [http://alienintrusion.com]
18 May, 201702:36
Alien Intrusion: Chat with the Producer

Alien Intrusion: Chat with the Producer

UFOs, abductions, and evolution? Gary Bates talks about CMI‘s new project, The Alien Intrusion movie.
17 Feb, 201709:48
Can evolution be observed

Can evolution be observed

Is evolution by natural selection and genetic mutation happening slowly or quickly and can we observe it or not?
10 Jan, 2017
Alien Intrusion [Official Movie Trailer]  #1

Alien Intrusion [Official Movie Trailer] #1

THE ALIEN INTRUSION http://alienintrusion.com [http://alienintrusion.com]
02 Jan, 201702:23
"Faith" means different things to different people

"Faith" means different things to different people

Does faith mean "believing in something even though it is not supported by evidence?" Yes, and no, depending on who you ask.
21 Dec, 201601:20
Neandertal genome confirms they were human

Neandertal genome confirms they were human

Ever since the discovery of the first Neandertal remains in 1856, scientists have debated how to classify these mysterious, quite human-like creatures. Until recently, many evolutionists were confident that Neandertals were not fully human and they regarded them as a sub-human species called Homo neanderthalensis. However, recent genetic research shows that modern humans and Neandertals interbred, suggesting that Neandertals and people living today should be classified as the same species. After sequencing the Neandertal genome, the world's leading authority on 'ancient' DNA, Svante Paäbo, concluded: "Many would say that a species is a group of organisms that can produce fertile offspring with each other and cannot do so with members of other groups. From that perspective we had shown that Neandertals and modern humans were the same species." Neandertals were humans, not ape-men, contrary to 150 years of story-telling. To find out more from Creation Ministries International visit our website Creation.com
09 Dec, 201601:01
Refuting abortion arguments

Refuting abortion arguments

Description Abortion has been one of the most important ethical issues in Western society for the last four decades. Many people, sadly including many Christians, think abortion is a difficult issue to understand and resolve. Watch the show to examine scripture to gain clarity in this controversial topic.
23 Nov, 201628:31
Lawyer jettisons Noah's Flood

Lawyer jettisons Noah's Flood

Many people think that the biblical flood of Noah was abandoned because of the evidence. However, history tells a different story. Modern geological thought owes much to a man named Charles Lyell. Lyell, a lawyer, published a book in 1830 called Principles of Geology. Described as a "masterpiece of persuasion", it changed the way people thought about earth's past. According to Lyell, we should only appeal to today's geological processes to explain earth history. However, this approach meant that the global flood recorded in the Bible was automatically ruled out of consideration. Lyell wanted, he wrote, "to free the science [of geology] from Moses". Regrettably, many people have uncritically adopted Lyell's philosophy, without considering how Noah’s flood can help us understand earth history. Lyell changed the way many people think, but his approach was motivated by his anti-biblical philosophy, not an objective study of the evidence. Indeed, it is very difficult to explain earth's history without Noah's Flood.
07 Oct, 201601:01