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Wise use of smart devices and social media in a secular age

Wise use of smart devices and social media in a secular age

The digital world, with social media platforms and smart phones, requires smart use, to avoid nomophobia and unhelpful worldview indoctrination.
23 Jan, 2020
Prof Stuart Burgess wins the prestigious Clayton Prize

Prof Stuart Burgess wins the prestigious Clayton Prize

Stuart Burgess awarded IMechE James Clayton Prize in recognition of space craft and Olympic bike designs.
02 Jan, 2020
Deconstructing Darwin: Darwin’s real message

Deconstructing Darwin: Darwin’s real message

Stephen Jay Gould on Darwins real message.
04 Mar, 2009
Science reinforces faith in God

Science reinforces faith in God

An inquiring mind and faith in God helped shape immunologist Dr Natalie Bennett’s life and research.
05 Jun, 2019
The remarkable Captain Robert FitzRoy

The remarkable Captain Robert FitzRoy

Captaining the Beagle made Robert FitzRoy famous, but his skills as a surveyor and contributions to weather forecasting should also be acknowledged.
17 Apr, 2019
Schrader Hebrew professor

Schrader Hebrew professor

Dr Stephen Schrader, former Old Testament Department Chair and Professor of Hebrew and Old Testament, explains importance of historical Genesis.
11 Mar, 2019
Michael and Shouchin Man

Michael and Shouchin Man

Despite being heavily indoctrinated with evolution, Christ and creation makes more sense to Michael and Shouchin Man.
16 Jan, 2019
Can evolutionists use celebrities to brainwash the public?

Can evolutionists use celebrities to brainwash the public?

A team of evolutionist researchers suggests intentional brainwashing of students using celebrity endorsements of evolution.
10 Jan, 2019
Convert to Creation

Convert to Creation

Jon Ahlquist is a molecular biologist, ornithologist, artist and creationist.
07 Jan, 2019
William of Ockham

William of Ockham

All human conjecture is subordinate to and corrected by the written Word of God.
26 Dec, 2018
Apollo 8 and Genesis: A Christmas message

Apollo 8 and Genesis: A Christmas message

Christmas eve broadcast from space by Apollo 8 astronauts clearly makes the connection between Christmas and Creation.
24 Dec, 2018
Were Adam and Eve real people?

Were Adam and Eve real people?

Some Christian thinkers have been influenced by evolution to the point where they are questioning the Genesis account of creation including rejecting a historical Adam.
02 Dec, 201828:31
OT scholar: Genesis teaches a short timescale

OT scholar: Genesis teaches a short timescale

Travis Rick Freeman, Professor of Old Testament, Baptist College of Florida Graceville, Genesis 5 and 11 teach 6,000-year-old earth, no time gaps in genealogies
26 Nov, 2018
Richard Dawkins is releasing an atheist children's book

Richard Dawkins is releasing an atheist children's book

Richard Dawkins is releasing an atheist children’s book laced with blasphemy.
30 Oct, 2018
The not-so-Nobel decision (Raymond Damadian MRI)

The not-so-Nobel decision (Raymond Damadian MRI)

Raymond Damadian MRI pioneer
04 Apr, 2018
Time Great Enabler

Time Great Enabler

Evolution relies on deep time which in turn relies on naturalism but science tells us the earth is young and so evolution is false.
15 Feb, 2018