The earth: how old does it look?Even many of those who believe that the earth is young think that it looks old. But does it?Article02 Dec, 2023
Abortion justified in rape cases?Is rape a legitimate exception for abortion? What are the alternatives? For more discussion about abortion watch the entire episode at: []Video18 Oct, 202301:33
Abortion: A Matter of Choice?Does anyone have the right to murder an innocent human? Pro-choice arguments for abortion are refuted in this episode.Podcast11 Oct, 202324:56
Review: 'Science Fraud' by Mike SuttonA review of Science Fraud: Darwin’s plagiarism of Patrick Matthews theory by Mike Sutton.Article22 Sep, 2023
Teaching people how to thinkCMI provides materials that help people learn to think critically about a wide range of issues.Article19 Sep, 2023
Refuting the 'famous violinist' argument for abortionA refutation of Judith Jarvis Thomson's 'Famous Violinist argument for abortion.Video04 Sep, 202302:12
From Cambridge chemist to passionate pastorMark Harwood talks with Dr Michael Prodigalidad about his fascinating journey from science to the pulpit.Article04 Sep, 2023
The Victoria InstituteThe Victoria Institute was the earliest creationist organization, founded in 1865, but later accepted old earth and evolution.Article01 Sep, 2023
Review: 'Darwinian Racism' Richard WeikartA review of Darwinian Racism: How Darwin influenced Hitler, Nazism, and white nationalism by Richard Weikart.Article04 Aug, 2023
The Bible describes the pre-born as peopleAccording to God, a pre-born baby is a person, not something on the way to becoming a person.Video02 Aug, 202301:35
Abortion: A Matter of Choice?Does anyone have the right to murder an innocent human? Pro-choice arguments for abortion are refuted in this episode.Video19 Jul, 202329:02
Evolutionism is not appropriate for anyone - a response to Bill NyeBill Nye "The Science Guy" and Big Think have produced an emotional video ( [] ) challenging parents to restrict their children's education by censoring important scientific information against evolution. This parody by Creation Ministries International challenges Bill Nye's one-sided views. Think Bigger.Video12 Jul, 202303:51
Pole vaulting and creation Why does a pole-vaulting champion, Scott Huffman, think that biblical Creation is vital for the Gospel?Article24 Apr, 2017
How Creation gave engineer/pastor confidence in the GospelMark Emerson chats with Pastor Victor Soo about the impact of creation on his life.Article26 Jun, 2023
Dawkins and DesignDawkins on Expelled by Ben Stein accepts that aliens might have designed us, but not the biblical God.Article21 Apr, 2009