Holy warIn Darwins day, leading scientists opposed his theory of evolution, while some prominent clergy supported it.Article03 Jun, 2009
Darwin's finchesDarwin’s Galapagos finches are evidence supporting rapid post-Flood adaptation.Article13 May, 2009
Did Charles Darwin recant?Did Darwin recant? An argument creationists should NOT use.Article15 Apr, 2009
Blast from the Past [Dr Johann Blasius]Prof. Johann Blasius, director of a leading natural history museum in Darwin’s day, denounced Origin of Species.Article01 Apr, 2009
Charles Darwin's slippery slide into unbeliefDarwin’s slippery slide into unbeliefArticle18 Feb, 2009
Refutation of New Scientist's Evolution: 24 myths and misconceptions (modern evolution)Article18 Dec, 2008
Peacock poppycock?According to evolutionist researchers, Darwins sexual selection theory is a failure, as epitomized by its inability to explain the peacocks tail.Article21 Apr, 2008
Misotheist's misology: Richard Dawkins attacks Michael BeheIs our eye harmed by backward wiring? No! Not only is it necessary, but eyes have a fibre optic plate to guide light through the nerve net to receptors.Article14 Jul, 2007