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Summer in the enemy's camp

Summer in the enemy's camp

For more details visit: https://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-47 [https://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-47]
14 Sep, 201109:58
Would Darwin be a Darwinist today?

Would Darwin be a Darwinist today?

For more details visit: https://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-42 [https://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-42]
09 Aug, 201109:59
Close Encounters of the 'Fourth Kind'

Close Encounters of the 'Fourth Kind'

As a renowned Christian researcher into the modern cultural phenomenon of UFOs, Gary has met and counseled numerous people who have seen strange things in sky or have claimed interaction with alleged alien beings. How can we explain these experiences, which can be real, but are not of an extraterrestrial source? Gary’s hypothesis is groundbreaking, yet straightforward, using phenomena that are known and understandable to us.
25 Jul, 2011
Charles Darwins savages

Charles Darwins savages

Christopher Columbus described the Fuegians as friendly, and handsome; Darwin compared them to devils and animals. Why the difference?
08 Jun, 2011
Galileo Quadricentennial Myth vs fact

Galileo Quadricentennial Myth vs fact

For more details visit: https://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-29 [https://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-29]
25 May, 201110:00
Geologic Catastrophe and the Young Earth (Steve Austin Interview)

Geologic Catastrophe and the Young Earth (Steve Austin Interview)

For more details visit: https://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-28 [https://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-28]
25 May, 201110:00
Darwinism and World War One

Darwinism and World War One

In the early twentieth century, German intellectuals were eager to embrace social Darwinism, which played a role in Germany
25 Apr, 2011
Epigenetics and Darwin

Epigenetics and Darwin

Darwin later rejected pure Darwinism for Lamarckism and now discoveries in epigenetics suggest that inheritance of acquired characteristics does occur.
01 Mar, 2011
NCSE voyage review

NCSE voyage review

A response to a review of Darwin: The Voyage that Shook the World by the National Center for Science Education in which CMI defends the treatment of Darwins life and accomplishments.
08 Feb, 2011
Deny vote to creationists

Deny vote to creationists

Refuting a fact-free atheopathic diatribe against God by Jody Nagel, who hates that Christians are allowed to vote.
08 Jan, 2011
"Alien Abductions & UFOs—Exposed!" Gary Bates

"Alien Abductions & UFOs—Exposed!" Gary Bates

Can spacecraft be reaching us from light-years away? Is there life on other planets? Are people really experiencing alien visitations and what does all this have to do with the debate on origins? This presentation digs deeper and unravels the truth behind the vast amounts of misinformation surrounding the UFO phenomenon. It’s even more disturbing than most think.
30 Mar, 2010
Darwins mistake on the Santa Cruz River

Darwins mistake on the Santa Cruz River

Darwin wrongly interpreted the Santa Cruz River as being eroded by the ocean over millions of years but it was carved by a catastrophic release of glacial meltwater
01 Mar, 2010
Creationists hypocritical

Creationists hypocritical

Web feedback answers the fallacy that creation is faith but evolution is science and shows how cladograms do not prove an ancestor descendant relationship
09 Jan, 2010
Darwin and Lyell

Darwin and Lyell

Darwins evolutionary materialism grew out of the philosophy of deism that he adopted from his influential friends, particularly lawyer Charles Lyell.
05 Nov, 2009
The child is father of the man

The child is father of the man

The attitudes of the young Charles Darwin help us understand his later theorizing.
29 Jul, 2009
Engineer goes back to school

Engineer goes back to school

Interview with creationist engineer and geologist, Dr Tas Walker
29 Jun, 2009