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Did modern humans make the Laetoli footprints?

Did modern humans make the Laetoli footprints?

In 1978, a team led by Mary Leakey discovered a series of footprints in Tanzania. These are known as the Laetoli footprints. According to many researchers, these footprints are identical to those made by humans. Paleoanthropologist, Donald Johanson stated, 'Make no mistake about it, they are like modern human footprints'.
13 Jun, 201300:59
Made in God's Image

Made in God's Image

For a long time we've been told that human and chimp DNA is over 98% identical, but even though this figure has now been revised to 95% or less, does that mean that chimps are 95% human?
06 Jun, 201300:59
Mitochondrial Eve: A good fit for the real Eve

Mitochondrial Eve: A good fit for the real Eve

Many people scoff at the idea that all humans descended from a woman called Eve only thousands of years ago. But geneticists actually endorse a similar idea, known as mitochondrial Eve.
04 Jun, 201301:00
Monkey Madness - could monkeys ever type out Shakespeare?

Monkey Madness - could monkeys ever type out Shakespeare?

It has long been claimed that monkeys typing randomly could eventually type out the complete works of Shakespeare. Plymouth University researchers recently installed a computer in a monkey enclosure to see what would happen.
30 May, 201301:01
Neanderthal Man looks like you and me

Neanderthal Man looks like you and me

Every time I hear of Neandertal man, I cannot help but feel sorry for the poor guy. Initially reconstructed to look like some apish brute, it took 44 years before a reanalysis of the fossils revealed that Neandertal man's anatomy was very similar to yours and mine.
23 May, 201300:59
Nobel Prize Discrimination

Nobel Prize Discrimination

In 2003, the Nobel Prize for Medicine was awarded to the pioneers of MRI scanning technology. But of those honored for this amazing medical breakthrough, there was a glaring omission.
21 May, 201300:59
Peacock feathers make Darwin sick

Peacock feathers make Darwin sick

How did the peacock get such a spectacular tail? Bothered by this question, Charles Darwin wrote: 'The sight of a feather in a peacock's tail, whenever I gaze at it, makes me sick!'
09 May, 201300:59
Dawkins dilemma

Dawkins dilemma

In forgiving sin, God deals with our condemnation and judgment, through the atoning death of Christ on the cross as our substitute, and His resurrection from the dead.
22 Apr, 2013
The Roswell Incident - a UFO crash?

The Roswell Incident - a UFO crash?

In 1947 a crash landing occurred in Roswell, New Mexico, that people still talk about. According to many UFO believers, aliens from another world crash-landed their flying saucer, and the US government has tried to cover it up ever since.
26 Mar, 201300:59
Jews & Arabs: Abraham's children

Jews & Arabs: Abraham's children

Abraham's life left a legacy in many different ways, but have you ever stopped to consider the legacy of his Y chromosome?
14 Mar, 201301:00
Atheist's promo fail: bus ads

Atheist's promo fail: bus ads

In 2009 atheists in the United Kingdom launched a public campaign to preach their message of unbelief by using advertising space on public busses. These busses are emblazed with the slogan, "There's probably no god. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."
12 Mar, 201300:59
Discouraged in your faith? Book a CMI speaker.

Discouraged in your faith? Book a CMI speaker.

Many Christians today have a diminished view of the Bible because they can't answer questions like, "Is there really a God?", "What about evolution"? Are there facts to back up the Bible or is it all just faith?
08 Mar, 201300:31
Races and Human Genetic Variation

Races and Human Genetic Variation

Many people are under the mistaken impression that people from different racial backgrounds have big differences in their DNA instructions. But this is not the case. The entire human race has an incredibly low level of genetic variety.
16 Jan, 201300:59
Parasitic DNA in the human genome?

Parasitic DNA in the human genome?

Is the human genome full of parasites? This might seem like a ridiculous question but some researchers suggest that it is. The human genome project revealed a large number of transposable elements. These DNA segments copy themselves and move around the genome. Some scientists claim they serve no function and have dismissed them as parasitic DNA. Some evolutionary scientists claim that similarities with chimps in these supposedly useless bits prove evolution. But new research shows they have functions. One study revealed that transposable elements activate during embryo development in mice, to control gene expression. Another study revealed they activate in gene dense regions to control gene expression. They are not spread randomly throughout the genome as previously thought. So DNA isn't full of parasites at all, but rather many sophisticated ways to control gene expression.
02 Jan, 201300:59
Creation Speakers available to come to your church

Creation Speakers available to come to your church

Creation Ministries International focuses on the Bible's first book, Genesis and the creation/evolution issue. Many of our speakers are scientists with PhDs who, before joining CMI, were employed in various scientific fields.
08 Nov, 201200:31
Creation Magazine - an essential equipping tool for the whole family

Creation Magazine - an essential equipping tool for the whole family

Creation magazine is a 56-page full-colour family magazine that is an essential tool for anyone wanting to 'immunize' their family against the anti-biblical worldviews bombarding us from all sides. With no paid advertising, every page of Creation magazine is full of powerful articles, ammunition to intelligently discuss nature, history, science, the Bible, and related subjects.
29 Oct, 201200:31