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Homo naledi update

Homo naledi update

Does Homo naledi really represent an extinct species of hominins, or are the fossils just the remains of sickly humans suffering cretinism?
25 May, 2017
The Amazing Stone Bears of Yorkshire

The Amazing Stone Bears of Yorkshire

Petrifying Well at Knaresborough, Yorkshire.
11 Jan, 2017
Fossil forest surprisingly complex

Fossil forest surprisingly complex

What kinds of trees are found in early forests?
03 Jun, 2016
Radiometric backflip

Radiometric backflip

Dating, radiometric, radioisotope, re-dating, Late Triassic, bird footprints, global Flood, alleged bird evolution, reliability, backflip, Santo Domingo formation Scientists radioisotope dated a rock formation and gave it a Late Triassic age, but bird footprints resulted in a new radiometric date 175 million years younger
18 Apr, 2016
Homo naledi

Homo naledi

Does the Homo naledi discovery prove evolution?
22 Sep, 2015
Precambrian rabbits death knell for evolution

Precambrian rabbits death knell for evolution

Rabbit fossils in the Precambrian.
04 Sep, 2015
Pollen problem

Pollen problem

Fossil angiosperm pollen in middle Triassic rock means flowering plants always contemporaneous with dinosaurs.
10 Aug, 2015
Fossils out of order

Fossils out of order

Out of order fossils are actually a weak spot for evolution
17 Apr, 2014
Index fossils

Index fossils

Index fossils do not indicate evolutionary progression, and are not foolproof age indicators of strata; they only indicate Gods judgment in the Flood.
14 Dec, 2013
Salamanders are living fossils!

Salamanders are living fossils!

Extraordinary preservation of a salamander living fossil dated to 161 million years, yet just the same as salamanders today.
13 Nov, 2013
Alligator living fossil

Alligator living fossil

A fossil skull of an alligator found with dinosaurs is identical to a modern American alligator, but was given a different scientific name, giving the illusion of evolution.
22 Jul, 2013
Slow fish in China

Slow fish in China

A fossil fish in Cambrian strata in China now confirms that fish appear suddenly in the fossil record along with all the other kinds of animals.
05 Jun, 2013
Mammal ear evolution

Mammal ear evolution

Liaoconodon hui is a new supposed transitional form between reptiles and modern mammals because of its unique ear bone morphology, but there are numerous problems with this designation.
22 Feb, 2013
Dodging living fossils

Dodging living fossils

Evolutionists must face up to living fossils; evolutionary stasis is not evidence of evolution!
11 Feb, 2013


Puijila, a fossil mammal, is claimed to be transitional between land and sea mammals, ancestor of the pinnipeds, but it is an otter.
31 Jan, 2013
The Sydney Pygmy Pipehorse

The Sydney Pygmy Pipehorse

The lack of transitional fossils and the design inherent in the air bladder and role-reversal mode of reproduction of the algae-camouflaged Sydney Pygmy Pipehorse defies evolutionary explanation.
14 Jan, 2013