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Five things you may not know about Noah

Five things you may not know about Noah

Righteous Noah, oldest father, built the Ark, took animals and his family to save them from judgment, dinosaurs included.
08 Apr, 2024
The Z-factor

The Z-factor

Forked and Z-shaped coal seams present a huge challenge to traditional swamp forest theories of coal formation.
16 Jan, 2017
Do you have to be a creationist to be Christian?

Do you have to be a creationist to be Christian?

Do you need to accept 6-day creation to be a Christian?
26 Oct, 2023
Just preach the Gospel?

Just preach the Gospel?

Gospel, Fall, Adam, justification by faith alone, circumcision, problem of evil. The New Testament authors preached the Gospel under a background of Genesis history. This includes the people, events, time frame, and order of events.
02 Aug, 2014
Fulfilling the Great Commission from the inside out!

Fulfilling the Great Commission from the inside out!

Equipping believers to spread the Gospel.
20 Sep, 2022
Interview with Art Ayris

Interview with Art Ayris

Wallace’s flying frog can glide up to 15 metres (50 feet).
20 Jun, 2022
Should I stay in a church that compromises on Creation?

Should I stay in a church that compromises on Creation?

Should I stay in a church that compromises on biblical creation?
02 Jun, 2022
Curious about Curious Earth

Curious about Curious Earth

Practical details about a creation evangelism market display called Curious Earth
22 Jan, 2022
CMI is a youth-oriented ministry!

CMI is a youth-oriented ministry!

Creation ministries tailors its message to reach youth to protect against the secularization of our culture.
17 Sep, 2020


Apologetics is linked with evangelism
11 Mar, 2020
Question evolution apologetics

Question evolution apologetics

Darwin’s birthday should be a day to question evolution! How should we present the truth?
13 Feb, 2020
Wise use of smart devices and social media in a secular age

Wise use of smart devices and social media in a secular age

The digital world, with social media platforms and smart phones, requires smart use, to avoid nomophobia and unhelpful worldview indoctrination.
23 Jan, 2020
Communicating the truth of creation with grace

Communicating the truth of creation with grace

Some suggestions for sharing the truth of creation with grace.
30 Dec, 2019
Countering emotional attacks on creation

Countering emotional attacks on creation

Those who oppose God often use emotional arguments, can you respond?
19 Feb, 2019
Apollo 8 and Genesis: A Christmas message

Apollo 8 and Genesis: A Christmas message

Christmas eve broadcast from space by Apollo 8 astronauts clearly makes the connection between Christmas and Creation.
24 Dec, 2018
Why do you just bash evolution?

Why do you just bash evolution?

Positive and negative apologetic arguments used by Isaiah and Elijah.
18 Dec, 2018