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Time Great Enabler

Time Great Enabler

Evolution relies on deep time which in turn relies on naturalism but science tells us the earth is young and so evolution is false.
15 Feb, 2018
Tree fruit and the relevance of Genesis creation

Tree fruit and the relevance of Genesis creation

People’s beliefs about origins shapes worldviews. That is, the ideas about where we come from, what is the meaning of life and what happens to us when we die.
17 Jul, 2017
On holy ground Down House

On holy ground Down House

Charles Darwin worked from Down House in Kent, today a museum with secular, pro-evolution, anti-Christian message.
13 Jun, 2017
How do miracles happen

How do miracles happen

We do not need to know how miracles happen to know that they have happened.
11 May, 2017
Wishful thinking nature

Wishful thinking nature

Pagan ideas revived as nature said to learn and discover how to build molecular machines and cells; just wishful thinking.
02 Mar, 2017
Where materialism logically leads

Where materialism logically leads

Why materialism logically leads scientists to a confused state over the universe.
31 May, 2016
Mind over matter

Mind over matter

Naturalists declare genetic coding arose from a mindless process. But coded information has only been observed coming from a mind.
12 Nov, 2015


Agnosticism is uncertainty about God\\s existence. How should Christians respond?
10 Nov, 2015
Precambrian rabbits death knell for evolution

Precambrian rabbits death knell for evolution

Rabbit fossils in the Precambrian.
04 Sep, 2015
Worldviews history and earth age part 2

Worldviews history and earth age part 2

Does the Christian church see any conflict between long ages and biblical claims about origins?
26 Jun, 2015
Roots and fruits

Roots and fruits

Evolutions origins are anti-Christian and anti-biblical, and its consequences appear to be uniformly evil.
12 Oct, 2013


Key terms such as natural law, miracle, and methodological naturalism have been modified or invented in ways that slant the rules of engagement between Christianity and secularism against Christianity.
23 Aug, 2013
Fibre optics in the eye

Fibre optics in the eye

Is our eye harmed by backward wiring? No! Not only is it necessary, but eyes have a fibre optic plate to guide light through the nerve net to receptors.
21 Aug, 2007
Naturalism vs reality

Naturalism vs reality

Unlike naturalism, biblical creation makes the best sense of the biblical, scientific and historical truth, and its non-arbitrary, consistent, and in harmony with the preconditions of intelligibility.
14 Jun, 2012
Nietzsche anti-God anti-Darwin

Nietzsche anti-God anti-Darwin

German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche is best known for his “God is dead” pronouncement, but although he believed in evolution, he vehemently rejected the major principles of Darwinism.
30 May, 2012
Review magic of reality dawkins

Review magic of reality dawkins

A review of The Magic of Reality by Richard Dawkins, Bantam Press, London, 2011
13 Apr, 2012