Unmasking natural selectionA review of 40 Years of Evolution: Darwin’s finches on Daphne Major Island by Peter and Rosemary Grant.Article18 Oct, 2019
The origin of dogsCreationists agree that dogs arose through domestication of a wolf-like canid, most likely early after the Flood.Article27 Sep, 2019
Trickster, varmint, wolfThe ‘coywolf’ controversy (re hybridisation between the coyote, wolf, and domestic dog) hinges on views of ‘species’.Article22 Jul, 2019
Antibiotic resistance not evolution in actionAntibiotic resistance is often invoked as evidence for evolution but the reverse is actually the case.Article27 Mar, 2019
Evolutionists disagree on how evolution happensThere is more than one view among evolutionary researchers on how new biological structures arise.Article26 Jan, 2019
Elephant Genome re-written elephant theoryElephant Genome Project overturns previously held evolutionary models, and discovers a new species of elephant.Article31 May, 2018
Plastic-munching enzymeIdeonella sakaiensis has enzyme to eat PET plastic by design not evolutionArticle03 May, 2018
Nylonase updateThe development of nylon-digesting ability in bacteria involves tweaking an existing enzyme not the evolution of a new one.Article19 May, 2017
Diversity lifeSpecies, speciation, fixity, bible, natural selection, artificial selection, adaptation, evolution\nAdaptation and speciation do not provide evidence for microbes-to man-evolution; instead, the facts support the biblical model of variation within a kind.\nArticle16 May, 2016
Beetles ... natures workaholicsBeetles were created by God, and the evidence reflects that.Article20 Nov, 2013
tomcods & evolutionThe Atlantic tomcod gained poison resistance via information loss through mutation and natural selection, which is the opposite of what evolution requires.Article19 May, 2011
Rapid tomcod evolutionThe Atlantic tomcod gained poison resistance via information loss through mutation and natural selection, which is the opposite of what evolution requires.Article22 Feb, 2011
What! ... no potatoes?Gene banks are being established as a safeguard because artificial and natural selection results in the loss of genetic information and makes crops vulnerable to catastrophic failure.Article03 Mar, 2010