The failure of evolutionary mechanismsNeo-Darwinism, Neutral evolution, and the ‘Extended Evolutionary Synthesis’ cannot avoid the multilayered complexity of the genome and cell.Article05 Apr, 2019
Antibiotic resistance not evolution in actionAntibiotic resistance is often invoked as evidence for evolution but the reverse is actually the case.Article27 Mar, 2019
Evolutionists disagree on how evolution happensThere is more than one view among evolutionary researchers on how new biological structures arise.Article26 Jan, 2019
Plastic-munching enzymeIdeonella sakaiensis has enzyme to eat PET plastic by design not evolutionArticle03 May, 2018
The scientific case against evolutionEvolutionists cite patterns of similarity and observed biological change as the main evidences, but both have major problems.Article07 Jan, 2017
Beneficial mutations real or imaginary part 2Mutations do not account for the human genome.Article08 Apr, 2016
Beneficial mutations real or imaginary part 1Have any beneficial mutations been found in the human genome?Article01 Apr, 2016
Mutation mistakesShared \\mistakes\\, pseudogenes, and endogenous retroviruses do not fit a \\plagiarism\\ analogy for common ancestry.Article14 Mar, 2016
Human genome decay and origin of lifeMutational decay in the human genome provides clues to the origin of life, and the extinction of the human race.Article28 Aug, 2015
Teenage mutant ninja peopleSuperhero, mutation, damage, Unlike superhero comics, mutations damage DNA; they dont invent new, more complex traits.Article14 Apr, 2014
Genetic entropyDr John Sanford defends his book Genetic Entropy against criticisms from theistic evolutionist Scott Buchanan regarding population genetics.Article07 Mar, 2013
Time—no friend of evolutionThe high rates of genetic mutations defies the evolutionary timeline, but fits the biblical 6,000 yearsArticle15 May, 2012
15 questions responses 3Our 15 Questions for Evolutionists has sparked many responses from evolutionists and skeptics attempting to answer. Weve compiled many of the answers that weve received, along with our refutation.Article22 Sep, 2011
15 questions responses 1Our 15 Questions for Evolutionists has sparked many responses from evolutionists and skeptics attempting to answer. Weve compiled many of the answers that weve received, along with our refutation.Article07 Sep, 2011
Are 'gain of function' mutations really downhill and so not supporting of evolution?Article20 Dec, 2008