TurtlesDesign features of turtles, and the distinct lack of a ‘fossil record’ of turtle evolution, point to biblical creation.Article16 Jul, 2014
Salamanders are living fossils!Extraordinary preservation of a salamander living fossil dated to 161 million years, yet just the same as salamanders today.Article13 Nov, 2013
Gladiator—an 'extinct' insect is found aliveDubbed gladiator insects because of the armour covering them as nymphs, and previously thought extinct for millions of years, theyve been found living in Namibia.Article08 May, 2013
Dodging living fossilsEvolutionists must face up to living fossils; evolutionary stasis is not evidence of evolution!Article11 Feb, 2013
Living fossils enigmaLiving fossils such as Gingko trees, crocodiles, horseshoe crabs, coelacanth fish, tuatara lizards, Lingula lamp shells and Neopilina molluscs are a conundrum for evolution.Article26 Dec, 2012
Horsetail living fossilHorsetails are one of many ‘living fossils’, i.e. just the same as the fossil forms. Evolutionary stasis is not evidence of evolution!Article17 Sep, 2012
Golden oldieKoelreuteria fossils allegedly 50 million years old are just the same as Koelreuteria paniculata, the panicled golden raintree, a ‘living fossil’.Article12 Sep, 2012
Living fossil rayA living Shovelnose Ray is identical to a Jurassic fossil ray, a living fossil, bringing into question both evolution and geological time.Article26 Mar, 2012
Living fossils erv functionEvolutionary stasis is inconsistent with established mutation ratesArticle08 Oct, 2011
Fossils wrong placeEvolutionary time ranges of fossils are continually being expanded millions of years earlier and later, throwing greater doubt on theArticle02 May, 2011
Werner living fossilsFossils of many animals and plants living today are found in dinosaur-era strata, displaying stasis, contrary to evolutionary expectations.Article23 Feb, 2011
Amber needed waterNew research reveals a clue as to how aquatic organisms (e.g. barnacles, clams) became entombed in amber.Article07 Jun, 2010
The 'Lazarus effect': rodent 'resurrection'!Looking for something different? Try an Asian food market. You might be surprised …Article14 May, 2008
Correcting the headline: 'Coelacanth', yes; 'ancient', noCorrecting the headline: ‘Coelacanth’ yes; ‘Ancient’ noArticle13 Jul, 2007