Darkness at the crucifixion: metaphor or real history?historical evidence of non-eclipse darkness at Jesus crucifixionArticle06 Apr, 2007
Incarnation Why God became manWhy did the Creator take on human nature? How does this relate to Genesis creation and even before that?Article23 Dec, 2010
Immanuel: The Gospel according to IsaiahIsaiah prophesied the Messiah’s arrival hundreds of years in advance.Article15 Aug, 2018
Is the Bible’s historical record reliable?Does the Bible’s record of Sennacherib’s attack of Jerusalem contradict extrabiblical historical records?Article24 Mar, 2018
Was Jesus an alien?The alien Jesus idea is a ludicrous naturalistic conspiracy theory undercut by its trust in the Gospel miracle accounts.Article10 Feb, 2018
Why did Jesus wear a crown of thorns?Jesus crown of thorns symbolises his bearing the curse for man, dealing with sin and death that intruded at Genesis 3.Article25 Mar, 2016
ShroudThe Sign presents an impossible thesis regarding the Resurrection and the Shroud of Turin.Article24 Apr, 2012
Pagan copycat thesis refutedThe idea that the gospels copied its stories about Jesus from pagan myths, called the copycat thesis, is utter nonsense.Article15 Oct, 2011
First Adam--Last AdamThrough the first Adam we all are sinners under the penalty of death, but all who are connected with the last Adam through repentance and faith have passed from death to life.Article11 May, 2011
Single cell ironyMaterialists scoff at the idea that the first embryonic cell of Jesus arose miraculously, but they accept that the first living cell arose spontaneously.Article18 May, 2010
Dawkins' Ironic HypocrisyAntitheists ridicule creationists for their beliefs, but have some bizarre beliefs themselves, such as Jesus never existed or that germ theory is wrong.Article21 Nov, 2008