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What type of body did Jesus have before the Incarnation?

What type of body did Jesus have before the Incarnation?

What type of body did Jesus have before the Incarnation? This Feedback question is answered with reference to John’s Gospel and the union of Christ’s divine and human natures.
07 May, 2022
The Christian’s hope in the Resurrection of Christ

The Christian’s hope in the Resurrection of Christ

Paul bases his resurrection of Christ teaching upon the first Adam, that the believer will also receive a spiritual body.
16 Apr, 2022
Jesus on the age of the earth

Jesus on the age of the earth

Jesus believed in a young world, but leading theistic evolutionists say He is wrong and thus fall into an error on the Incarnation known as the kenotic heresy.
07 May, 2012
Sensational seeds

Sensational seeds

Seeds and their biological characteristics are used in Scripture to teach important moral and spiritual truths, and the
30 Apr, 2013
The Genesis genealogies

The Genesis genealogies

The Genesis genealogies are viewed with skepticism by many, but have historical and theological significance, leading to the Messiah (Christ).
26 Oct, 2021
Is Jesus the Creator?

Is Jesus the Creator?

Is Jesus the only begotten Son of God or was he created and became the son of God?
25 Sep, 2021
He is Risen

He is Risen

The resurrection is the glorious news that changed history and gives us hope in uncertain times.
02 Apr, 2021
Could Jesus sin?

Could Jesus sin?

Could Jesus have sinned?
30 Jan, 2021
Christianity and the origin of religion

Christianity and the origin of religion

An ingrained religious impulse is evidence for God, monotheism was the original religion, and Christianity wasnt borrowed from paganism.
23 Jan, 2021
Responding to William Lane Craig on Inerrancy

Responding to William Lane Craig on Inerrancy

Responding to recent William Lane Craig statements about biblical inerrancy and Peter’s denials of Christ – bible contradictions?
16 Jan, 2021
Nativity details

Nativity details

Where was Jesus actually born? And are nativity scenes in error?
26 Dec, 2020
Jesus’ family tree

Jesus’ family tree

What can we learn by looking at Jesus’ ancestors?
25 Dec, 2020
Christmas Why

Christmas Why

Why do we celebrate Christmas? And why on December 25th?
25 Dec, 2015
Could God inspire error?

Could God inspire error?

A reader asks: Could God inspire error? And: do people continue to sin in Hell?
29 Sep, 2020
The death of my beloved wife

The death of my beloved wife

Death of wife, bereavement, why God punishes sin, hope in Christ.
26 May, 2020
Importance of the Resurrection

Importance of the Resurrection

The Resurrection of Christ not only guarantees the salvation of all believers, but that there will also be a Day of Judgment.
31 Mar, 2013