The non-evolution of the human liverThe human liver is evidence of intelligent design; it did not appear through evolution.Article24 Jan, 2025
Review: 'Foresight' by Marcos EberlinA review of: Foresight: How the chemistry of life reveals planning and purpose by Marcos Eberlin.Article19 Jul, 2024
Review: 'The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith'A review of The Comprehensive Guide to Science and Faith, edited by William Dembski, Casey Luskin, and Joseph Holden.Article05 Jul, 2024
Creationism in Welsh schoolsResponding to secular humanists (National Secular Society) who have called for creationism to be banned in Welsh schools.Article03 Jul, 2024
Evaluating Hume's 'Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion'An evaluation of David Humes Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion shows that it does not undermine the design inference.Article05 Apr, 2024
Book review: 'Animal Algorithms' by Eric CassellA review of Animal Algorithms by Eric Cassell.Article07 Jul, 2023
Dawkins and DesignDawkins on Expelled by Ben Stein accepts that aliens might have designed us, but not the biblical God.Article21 Apr, 2009
Atmosphere designed for lifeThe design of earth’s atmosphere protects, sustains, and allows us to see the beauty of creation.Article12 Jun, 2023
The Golden RatioThe ratio of 1:1.62 as seen in building design, flower petals and pine cones is very pleasing to the eye. Why?Article20 Oct, 2010
Is the world perfectly designed?Perfect design is a bad foil for thinking about supposed cases of bad design.Article01 Jun, 2023
Review: 'Return of the God Hypothesis' by Stephen MeyerA review of Return of the God Hypothesis by Stephen Meyer.Article14 Apr, 2023
Transhumanism, evolution, and the image of GodTranshumanism holds that scientific and technological advances can be used to improve humanity—at its heart it is a godless movement, and justified by belief in evolution.Article21 Feb, 2023
Conquest of the skiesOur response to David Attenborough’s TV programmes ‘Conquest of the Skies’. The evidence shows beetles, birds, and other fliers were created; they did not evolve.Article06 Sep, 2022
Why would a designer leave debris floating in space?Questioning Intelligent Design based on phenomena in space that seem to show chaos.Article11 Dec, 2021