Homology, Genes, and Evolutionary Innovation book reviewThe evolutionary origin of novel body plans has always been controversial.Article22 Sep, 2017
Ernst Haeckel: Evangelist for evolution and apostle of deceitErnst Haeckel: Evangelist for evolution and apostle of deceit.Article30 Dec, 2009
Are look-alikes related?The main argument for evolution is that similarities between living things demonstrate common ancestry, but if living things had a common creator/designer, we would also expect many similarities.Article15 Sep, 2010
Biology exam fraudHigh school biology paper in New South Wales Australia uses illustrations similar to Ernst HaeckelArticle06 Nov, 2012
Fraud rediscoveredModern photos prove Haeckels embryo diagrams were frauds, but they still appear in textbooks.Article07 Oct, 2009
Saddle up the horse, it's off to the bat caveEvolutionists say DNA shows bats and horses are more closely related than cows and horses.Article17 Oct, 2006