Homology and embryology


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Hierarchical clustering complicates baraminological analysis

Hierarchical clustering complicates baraminological analysis

The hierarchical structure of species relationships makes it hard to find a simple cut-off line between different biblical kinds.
06 Dec, 2024
Genetic convergence between humans and octopuses

Genetic convergence between humans and octopuses

Parallel mechanisms of LINE retrotransposition for inducing variationin the brains of humans and octopuses undermines common ancestry.
26 Jul, 2024
Homology made simple

Homology made simple

Homologous structures are best explained by a common designer rather than common ancestry.
27 Jan, 2014
Embryos alive before implantation

Embryos alive before implantation

Are human embryos conceived at fertilization or implantation, and are pre-implanted embryos living, valuable human persons?
16 May, 2024
Claims that dermatomes prove humans evolved from animals

Claims that dermatomes prove humans evolved from animals

Dermatomes and pentadactyl limbs supposedly show homology and are evidence that humans are evolutionary relatives of other vertebrates.
20 Feb, 2024
Doubts about design and the resurrection

Doubts about design and the resurrection

It is reasonable to doubt universal common ancestry and accept that Jesus tomb was empty.
14 Jan, 2023
Doppleganger genes

Doppleganger genes

Doppelganger genes, which have highly similar functions and structures but are found in distantly related creatures, defy evolution.
11 Nov, 2022
The history of flying machines

The history of flying machines

The history of flying machines argues against the evolution of flight.
24 Nov, 2021
Are lizards and snakes related?

Are lizards and snakes related?

Snakes and lizards are not a part of the same baramin; they are no related.
16 Jul, 2021
Caprimulgiformes: a single created kind?

Caprimulgiformes: a single created kind?

The order Caprimulgiformes is not a single created kind.
12 Mar, 2021
Refining baraminology methods

Refining baraminology methods

Applying a data filtering method to help clarify baramins in dinosaur and cephalopod datasets.
05 Mar, 2021
Divine designs in flies and beetles deny evolution

Divine designs in flies and beetles deny evolution

Design in fly embryos and the flea beetle spring mechanism denies evolution while supporting intelligent, divine design.
04 Feb, 2021
Did the ear bones of mammals really evolve from the jawbones of reptiles?

Did the ear bones of mammals really evolve from the jawbones of reptiles?

Articular and quadrate of reptile jaw bones are neither morphologically nor genetically related to mammalian middle ear bones
02 Jul, 2019
Placental versus Marsupial: A tale of two ‘wolves’

Placental versus Marsupial: A tale of two ‘wolves’

Evidence is against Australia’s dingo being responsible for the mainland disappearance of its marsupial counterpart, the Tasmanian tiger/wolf/thylacine.
25 Jun, 2018
Did eyes evolve by Darwinian mechanisms

Did eyes evolve by Darwinian mechanisms

How did we get eyes?
14 Aug, 2009
Dinosaur to bird theory a flight of fancy

Dinosaur to bird theory a flight of fancy

The concept of a connection between dinosaurs and birds is still proposed despite the lack of evidence.
29 Sep, 2017