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A tale of ancient toothpaste

A tale of ancient toothpaste

Modern dentists are amazed at an ancient Egyptian toothpaste recipe—described as ‘ahead of its time’.
26 Mar, 2014
Tracing the nations back to Babel

Tracing the nations back to Babel

Extra-Biblical historical records testify to the ancient nations beginning as family units from Noah's descendants. This powerfully supports the Bible's history, especially the reality of the world's population 'restarting' after the Flood of Noah.
19 Mar, 201428:31
Fossils: Evidence for Biblical creation

Fossils: Evidence for Biblical creation

Fossils provide remarkable support for the Bible's account of history, beginning with creation and including a global flood. This week we focus on some fossils that are very difficult to fit into the 'millions of years' timescale, but fit wonderfully with the Bible.
08 Jan, 201428:31


A YouTube video makes an irresponsible claim that an Egyptian hieroglyph depicts an Elasmosaurus; however, a trussed goose is depicted.
04 Oct, 2013


The Hebrew Ophel inscription helps to corroborate Bible history.
17 Aug, 2013
Egyptian chronologies

Egyptian chronologies

Egyptologist Patrick Clarke writes that he is confident that the Bibles account of Egyptian history will be vindicated by further research.xxx
11 Aug, 2013
The Ice Age and the Bible

The Ice Age and the Bible

What is the evidence for it? Where does it fit into Biblical history? What caused it? Tune into this weeks' episode for the answers.
03 Jul, 201328:28
Mitochondrial Eve: A good fit for the real Eve

Mitochondrial Eve: A good fit for the real Eve

Many people scoff at the idea that all humans descended from a woman called Eve only thousands of years ago. But geneticists actually endorse a similar idea, known as mitochondrial Eve.
04 Jun, 201301:00
Toumai skull: ape-man, or just ape?

Toumai skull: ape-man, or just ape?

In 2001 a fossil skull found in Chad electrified the world's scientific community. Nicknamed 'Toumai', this creature supposedly lived when the human and chimp lineages allegedly split, making it the oldest human ancestor ever found.
25 Apr, 201300:59
Jews & Arabs: Abraham's children

Jews & Arabs: Abraham's children

Abraham's life left a legacy in many different ways, but have you ever stopped to consider the legacy of his Y chromosome?
14 Mar, 201301:00
Defending Faith of Our Fathers

Defending Faith of Our Fathers

Chan Kei Thong, author of Faith of our Fathers, answers a critical review in detail.
03 Mar, 2013
Death Throes -- Dinosaur fossil posture suggests asphyxiation

Death Throes -- Dinosaur fossil posture suggests asphyxiation

Dinosaur fossils are often found in an unusual posture, characterized by their head thrown back, hind-limbs bent and tails extended. Over the years scientists have proposed different theories to explain this puzzling phenomenon.
11 Feb, 201300:59
Egyptian black eye makeup

Egyptian black eye makeup

The science behind ancient Egyptian eye makeup preparation and application, accords well with the biblical record of mankind’s origins.
09 Nov, 2012
Stasis - Another problem for evolution from the fossil record

Stasis - Another problem for evolution from the fossil record

In nature documentaries and science text books, one often hears about creatures that arrived at their body plan very early in evolutionary history and have not made any real changes since that time, supposedly millions of years ago. These are called 'living fossils'—like the coelacanth and the Wollemi pine. This phenomenon is known as stasis, things staying pretty much the same. And it turns out that pretty much every animal in the entire fossil record appears suddenly and shows this same history of stasis. This was not predicted by evolution!
05 Nov, 201201:00
Creation Magazine - an essential equipping tool for the whole family

Creation Magazine - an essential equipping tool for the whole family

Creation magazine is a 56-page full-colour family magazine that is an essential tool for anyone wanting to 'immunize' their family against the anti-biblical worldviews bombarding us from all sides. With no paid advertising, every page of Creation magazine is full of powerful articles, ammunition to intelligently discuss nature, history, science, the Bible, and related subjects.
29 Oct, 201200:31
The key to understanding earth history: The global flood

The key to understanding earth history: The global flood

Over three chapters, the book of Genesis vividly describes a worldwide flood that began with the all the fountains of the great deep bursting forth, and the floodgates of heaven being opened.
15 Oct, 201201:00