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Which History Fits Best? – Ep 3 – Fossils

Which History Fits Best? – Ep 3 – Fossils

Which history (Biblical history or the millions of years history) provides the best framework to account for scientific observations? On today's show contestants are asked which history best explains fossils.
18 May, 201602:50
Which History Fits Best? - Ep 2 - DNA

Which History Fits Best? - Ep 2 - DNA

Which history (Biblical history or the millions of years history) provides the best framework to account for scientific observations? On today's show contestants are asked which history best explains origin and existence DNA.
13 May, 201602:46
Which History Fits Best? - Ep 1 - Dinosaur soft tissue

Which History Fits Best? - Ep 1 - Dinosaur soft tissue

Which history (Biblical history or the millions of years history) provides the best framework to account for scientific observations? On today's show contestants are asked which history best explains the dozens of dinosaur soft tissue discoveries made since Dr Mary Schweitzer's ground-breaking May 2005 discovery.
04 May, 201602:20
The Genesis Account

The Genesis Account

A theological and scientific commentary on Genesis 1-11.
02 May, 201600:38
If there was a global flood, what would we expect to find?

If there was a global flood, what would we expect to find?

If the biblical flood of Noah happened, what would we expect to find in geology, paleontology and ancient history?
08 Apr, 201601:25
Science confirms Earth’s magnetic field flipped rapidly

Science confirms Earth’s magnetic field flipped rapidly

Did you know that the earth’s magnetic field has reversed direction—or ‘flipped’—multiple times in the past? The evidence for these reversals is rock solid, because when molten rock cools, certain mineral grains align with the earth’s magnetic field, thus recording the direction of Earth’s magnetic field at the time, in the solidified rock. Previously, most geologists thought that a single reversal would take many thousands of years. However, creationist physicist, Dr Russell Humphreys, reasoned they must have happened quickly to fit within the biblical timescale. So Dr Humphreys made a prediction that quickly-cooling thin lava flows would be found that recorded fast changes in the direction of the magnetic field. This prediction was later proven correct. Scientists were shocked to find major magnetic field changes had occurred within weeks in a single lava flow. They published this in the regular scientific literature. Thus yet another scientific prediction, based on biblical history, proved to be correct.
02 Dec, 201501:01
Flat gaps between rock layers challenge evolution’s long ages

Flat gaps between rock layers challenge evolution’s long ages

How can a lack of erosion undermine evolutionary ideas of long ages of earth history? Well, when geologists study the boundary between two rock layers, they sometimes conclude that there was a significant time gap between when the lower and upper rock layers were laid down. However, many boundaries don’t show any evidence of elapsed time. The Grand Canyon provides startling examples. One is where the Coconino Sandstone overlies the Hermit Shale. The surface between these rock layers is remarkably flat and smooth—a ‘flat gap’. Yet according to conventional geology, there is a 6 million year gap between these rock layers. The underlying shale is a soft rock, so it should have eroded a lot if exposed for this time. But the Hermit Shale doesn’t show this erosion. This shows that the upper sandstone was deposited on the lower shale so quickly that there was not time for erosion of the shale. Something is obviously wrong with the conventional geological timescale.
25 Nov, 201501:01
Dinosaur DNA dilemma

Dinosaur DNA dilemma

In 1994 the prestigious journal Science shocked the scientific world by publishing sequence data from DNA retrieved from dinosaur bone said to be 80 million years old. DNA is a fragile molecule, and so it breaks down quickly. Measurements of DNA stability suggest it could last thousands of years, at best, under the likely conditions. But 80 million years was just too incredible for other skeptical scientists. Eventually, these skeptics were vindicated—as it became apparent that the original researchers had sequenced contaminating human DNA, not dinosaur DNA. However, in 2012 a different group of researchers published new results supporting the discovery of actual dinosaur DNA. These new results appear much harder to disprove, with the researchers applying multiple checks against contamination from non-dinosaur sources. The preservation of dinosaur DNA doesn’t make sense from an evolutionary perspective. But it fits biblical history, whereby dinosaurs lived thousands of years ago, not millions of years ago.
30 Sep, 201501:01
Dieting dinosaurs

Dieting dinosaurs

Many of the biggest dinosaurs, such as some of the long-necked sauropods like Brachiosaurus, Titanosaurus, and Apatosaurus, would have eaten colossal amounts of vegetation. So why do we find such a conspicuous absence of plants in rocks containing dinosaur fossils? Take for example the Morrison Formation in Montana, USA. Even though this Formation has yielded many dinosaur fossils, there is a startling scarcity of vegetation preserved. This phenomenon of ‘missing vegetation’ doesn’t just apply to dinosaurs. The Coconino Sandstone in the Grand Canyon has many animal track-ways, but it is almost devoid of plants. These rocks tell us something profound about earth history. They suggest that these deposits are not ecosystems buried over eons of time, otherwise we’d find more evidence of the plants that the animals ate. Instead, the evidence fits nicely with the biblical model of earth history, whereby these animals were transported and buried catastrophically, during Noah’s flood.
23 Sep, 201501:01
The Creation model

The Creation model

The theory of evolution is described in much detail in most classrooms today. Names, dates, classifications, etc., all seem to point to a very ‘scientific’ history of the world. But what about Creation? Does it have a cohesive historical narrative that can be backed up scientifically? Absolutely! Look at the ‘big picture’ of the Bible’s history on this week’s show.
03 Jun, 201528:31
Refuting ‘bad design’ arguments

Refuting ‘bad design’ arguments

Creationists often point to the incredible evidence of design in nature as proof of God’s existence. But what about things that don’t look well designed or appear to have been designed to do ‘bad things’? Evidence of ‘design’ is not enough. Find out why the true history in the Bible is essential to understand the world we live in.
06 May, 201528:31
The holocaust before the holocaust

The holocaust before the holocaust

The Nazi Holocaust is seen by many as a gruesome but aberrant event in history. But 60 years earlier the Darwinian idea that some humans are not fully human resulted in horrifying brutality perpetrated upon the Herero people in South-West Africa. The Holocaust of WWII serves as reminder of the fruit of evolutionary thinking that began long before and continues today.
11 Feb, 201528:31
Patterns of evidence

Patterns of evidence

Patterns of Evidence shows evidence of the Hebrew occupation of Ancient Egypt that is largely ignored by many archeologists due to timing issues related to Egyptian chronologies.
15 Jan, 2015
Ancient Egypt confirms Genesis

Ancient Egypt confirms Genesis

Genesis as reliable history.
22 Dec, 2014
Missoula Flood DVD Promo CMI Program Stream

Missoula Flood DVD Promo CMI Program Stream

In the 1920's J. Harland Bretz, a secular geologist proposed to his colleagues evidence for a massive Flood across eastern Washington. He was rejected by the scientific community because what was proposing was too close to a catastrophic event with many characteristics closely described in the Bible. What he found were giant gravel bars, huge dry water falls, deep canyons cut through solid basalt, water lines on mountainsides thousands of feet up, and a massive drainage system stretching from Montana to the Pacific Ocean. It wasn't until forty years later when Bretz was proven right with evidence showing the Missoula Flood was the result of an ice dam breaking open at the end of the Ice Age in northern Idaho, emptying in just a few days across Washington and Oregon. Creation Science author and researcher Michael Oard takes you on a journey from Missoula, Montana to the Pacific, sharing how the this massive flood shaped the landscape, and how these features can be applied to other geologic features found throughout the world when the biblical global flood was receding 4,300 years ago. Michael Oard will show how quickly the Ice Age formed with the meteorological conditions right after the Flood, how it quickly melted and produced these massive local floods across the world, evidence for only one Missoula Flood, and how the bible can be trusted as earth's true history book. This new DVD set is available in 2013.
09 Oct, 201401:54
Hypertension -- racial differences don't affect prescriptions

Hypertension -- racial differences don't affect prescriptions

If you suffer from high blood pressure you're certainly not alone. The incidents of high blood pressure, or hypertension, are on the increase. To combat this problem, doctors can prescribe several types of medication which lower blood pressure by different mechanisms.
04 Apr, 201400:59