Missoula Flood DVD Promo CMI Program Stream
In the 1920's J. Harland Bretz, a secular geologist proposed to his colleagues
evidence for a massive Flood across eastern Washington. He was rejected by the
scientific community because what was proposing was too close to a catastrophic
event with many characteristics closely described in the Bible. What he found
were giant gravel bars, huge dry water falls, deep canyons cut through solid
basalt, water lines on mountainsides thousands of feet up, and a massive
drainage system stretching from Montana to the Pacific Ocean. It wasn't until
forty years later when Bretz was proven right with evidence showing the Missoula
Flood was the result of an ice dam breaking open at the end of the Ice Age in
northern Idaho, emptying in just a few days across Washington and Oregon.
Creation Science author and researcher Michael Oard takes you on a journey from
Missoula, Montana to the Pacific, sharing how the this massive flood shaped the
landscape, and how these features can be applied to other geologic features
found throughout the world when the biblical global flood was receding 4,300
years ago. Michael Oard will show how quickly the Ice Age formed with the
meteorological conditions right after the Flood, how it quickly melted and
produced these massive local floods across the world, evidence for only one
Missoula Flood, and how the bible can be trusted as earth's true history book.
This new DVD set is available in 2013.