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Genesis: key to a Christian worldview

Genesis: key to a Christian worldview

Have you ever stared at something and thought about how God created every single atomic particle in it—from nothing— and designed the mechanisms and forces by which the particles would bond together to form materials? The power and intelligence of the Creator are astounding!
11 Oct, 201201:00
Great pyramid

Great pyramid

The Great Pyramid was a feasible engineering feat for the Ancient Egyptians to achieve, and they most likely constructed using a two stage approach using ramps.
15 Jun, 2012
The Darwinian roots of the Nazi tree

The Darwinian roots of the Nazi tree

For more details visit: https://creation.com/cml81 [https://creation.com/cml81]
06 Jun, 201209:59
15 Questions for Evolutionists -- #15 Why is a religious idea taught in science classes?

15 Questions for Evolutionists -- #15 Why is a religious idea taught in science classes?

The final question in CMI's '15 Questions for Evolutionists' flyer asks why evolution, a primarily religious idea about history is being taught as science. Science involves observing how things work in the present, not speculating about origins. So neither creation nor evolution are strictly "scientific".
10 May, 201229:17
15 Questions for Evolutionists -- #14  Why is evolution taught as operational science?

15 Questions for Evolutionists -- #14 Why is evolution taught as operational science?

Science involves experimenting to figure out how things work; how they operate. Question 14 in CMI's '15 Questions for Evolutionists' flyer asks why evolution, which is a theory about history, taught as if it is the same as this operational science?
04 May, 201215:44
Archaeologist confirms creation and the Bible

Archaeologist confirms creation and the Bible

Interview with archaeologist Dr Clifford Wilson on the historical reliability of the Bible.
25 Apr, 2012
Where do cavemen fit into Biblical history?

Where do cavemen fit into Biblical history?

Where do cavemen fit into Biblical history? Based on their evolutionary beliefs, atheists believe most cavemen were primitive brutes on the way to becoming fully human. From the viewpoint of biblical history, after the confusion of languages at the tower of Babel as people spread out they would have lived in a variety of homes made of mud, stone, wood, tents, or in caves. The Bible describes a number of 'cavemen'. In Genesis, we find that Lot was once a 'caveman' (after he fled Sodom). When David ran from King Saul, he lived in a cave. And Job mentions people who lived in caves also. Thus, you would expect evidence all over the world that skilful, talented and fully human people have lived in caves at various times.
11 Apr, 201201:00
Junk DNA

Junk DNA

When sequences of DNA which did not appear to code for protein were discovered, some evolutionists suggested that these represented 'junk' or 'vestigial' DNA, left-overs of our supposed evolutionary ancestry.
11 Apr, 201200:47
The ten plagues of Egypt

The ten plagues of Egypt

Natural explanations of the ten plagues of Egypt, as per Greta Hort, all have fatal flaws, both scientifically and theologically.
22 Feb, 2012
Meeting the ancestors

Meeting the ancestors

The genealogy in Genesis of Adam to Abraham with its long lifespans for the patriarchs is a historically accurate God-given record, with no gaps or inaccuracies.
08 Feb, 2012
The Resurrection and Genesis

The Resurrection and Genesis

For more details visit: https://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-60 [https://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-60]
17 Sep, 201109:59
Evolutionary Stasis -- Double-speak and Propaganda

Evolutionary Stasis -- Double-speak and Propaganda

For more details visit: https://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-56 [https://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-56]
16 Sep, 201110:00
Genesis: Bible authors believed it to be history

Genesis: Bible authors believed it to be history

For more details visit: https://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-52 [https://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-52]
15 Sep, 201109:59
Two-tone Twins

Two-tone Twins

For more details visit: https://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-46 [https://creation.com/creation-magazine-live-episode-46]
14 Sep, 201109:59
Gobekli Tepe

Gobekli Tepe

Preliminary comments on how G
26 Jul, 2011
Six Days ... Really?

Six Days ... Really?

A six-day, young earth understanding of Genesis is the only one that comes from the text itself, which is why the rest of Scripture interprets it that way. Long-age views are a modern aberration that comes from imposing outside ideas of uniformitarian 'science' upon the text. See how compromising views render the Bible meaningless to a dying world. Full 52 min talk available on DVD at the CMI webstore.
25 Jul, 201102:19