Carboniferous floating forest 1Long-age attempts to explain the Carboniferous coal seams and the lycopods have numerous weaknesses, and a catastrophic origin of the coal seems from floating forests is more promising.Article25 May, 2012
Fossil footprints and megasequencesIf the Tejas megasequence marks the recession of Noahs Flood, explaining all the fossil footprints in it seems difficult.Article15 Dec, 2023
Another one bites the dust The head and trunk of Elephant Rock, New Zealand, have succumbed to the ravages of erosionArticle20 Nov, 2023
Mountain upliftToday’s mountains were uplifted late in Noah’s Flood while the floodwaters were retreating from the continents.Article31 Oct, 2023
The Genesis Flood for Kids: The Food and the Bible Juvenile literature: God judged mankind’s sin by globe-covering Flood, showed mercy with Ark. Flood means no need for millions of years, so evolution impossible.Article30 Oct, 2023
The dinosaur created by the FloodThe story of Ultrasaurus, the dinosaur that never was.Article25 Sep, 2023
Polar dinosaursPolar dinosaurs produce several conundrums for evolution, but are readily explainable within the Genesis Flood.Article15 Sep, 2023
Could the Flood have been tranquil?John Fleming proposed tranquil Flood, but why are scoffers without excuse, and how a violent event leaves no trace?Article30 Jan, 2019
The wonderful, bizarre baobab treeThe wonderful, bizarre baobab tree is called ‘the tree of life’, and is the strangest tree on EarthArticle28 Aug, 2023
The cataclysmic carving of Carnarvon GorgeAn Australian outback geological icon exhibits exciting evidence of Noah’s FloodArticle23 Aug, 2023
How the Bible makes sense of everythingThe most-read, and most popular, book in the entire world is—the Bible; and it speaks to science as well as on matters of mankind’s need of salvation.Article07 Aug, 2023
When were ‘mismatched’ river courses carved?Globally extensive underfit rivers formed during the Recessive phase of Noahs Flood, not the post-Flood Ice Age.Article27 Jul, 2023
Cenozoic coals and the post-Flood boundaryGlobally extensive Cenozoic coals make the best sense as formed from the receding waters during Noahs Flood.Article21 Jul, 2023
Pre-Tejas volcanism and Hydroplate TheoryExtensive volcanism in North America below the Tejas megasequence challenges the event sequence of Hydroplate Theory.Article30 Jun, 2023
Ooids grew rapidly in the FloodOoids form differently today from their analogues in the rock record, suggesting the Flood provided unique conditions for their formation.Article16 Jun, 2023
Did the earth ever wobble twelve degrees?Biblical explanations of paleomagnetic data are simpler and more elegant than old-earth explanations.Article09 Jun, 2023